How NASA is Already Terraforming Mars For Humans | Unveiled

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34 thoughts on “How NASA is Already Terraforming Mars For Humans | Unveiled”

  1. I think this is a bad idea Mars is the only planet of its kindness solar system to terraform it we would be destroying whatever there we should terraform an object like ceres instead because there's multiple ice dwarf planets

  2. Sooooo. ….we can terraform Mars from a deathtrap to a paradise but can't tweak the carbon out of our own atmosphere with literally the whole human race here to help ….. mmmmmm i smell a rat.

  3. I'd rather stay on earth with real trees than electronic trees on Mars thanks. I also don't want to live on a planet that we will quickly (and inevitably) pollute it again and and have the same problem we have on earth today and then do the same thing and try and go to a different planet and destroy that one. You can only go so far, nothing lasts forever.

  4. Mars atmosphere is thin due to it's low gravity and absence of magnetosphere, this means that Mars keeps leaking it's atmosphere due to preassure from solar winds, so, oxygen would leak out into space, producing oxygen on Mars it's only to use as fuel and in habitats.

  5. MOXIE's purpose never was to terraform Mars. NASA just wanted to test a way to produce oxygen for future missions, nothing more.
    Producing oxygen even on a large scale will do nothing towards terraforming Mars, because Mars lacks an ozone layer AND a magnetosphere.

  6. It maybe useful to already look for organisms that can live in Mars environment that can do it already, extreme organisms that can thrive in high radiation and use it to live on and convert the CO2 into oxygen naturally.

  7. I don't think that teraphorming Mars is a worthwhile project and we are better off making the environment on planet Earth a nicer place to live on.

  8. You can NOT terraform anything that does not have an atmosphere capable of supporting it – and Mars will never have such an atmosphere because it's gravitational field is weak and it's magnetic field is much too weak to prevent the sun's solar storms from constantly stripping off whatever is there that would form an atmosphere. Spending billions on creating any kind of environment on Mars for humans to inhabit is just another boondoggle for HUGE amounts of cash to flow into the pockets of otherwise useless people at NASA – and the politicians that are providing our taxpayers money to them – they always get their cut of the pork-barrel pie.

    Whatever value Mars may be to us can be done completely by robotics – as has been done up to this time. There is NO NEED WHATSOEVER to totally waste tons of money to create a supportive environment for sending squishy fragile protoplasmic life forms to a completely hostile planet where they otherwise cannot survive – whereas robotics can, and do just as good a job – if not better – than the squishy fragile protoplasmic life forms could ever do.


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