How Much Pain For The Housing & Jobs Markets Lies Ahead In 2023? | Mike "Mish" Shedlock

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Mike “Mish” Shedlock returns for Part 2 of our interview with him to focus on his forecasts for the housing & jobs market. Also, here in Part 2, we respond to live Q&A from the audience.

For Part 1 of this interview with Mish, go to:
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There’s no doubt that it’s a very challenging time right now for the average investor. Above and beyond the recent economic impacts of COVID, the new era of record low interest rates, runaway US debt and US deficits, and trillions of dollars in monetary and fiscal stimulus stimulus has changed the rules of investing by dangerously distorting the Dow index, the S&P 500, and nearly all other asset prices. Can prices keep rising, or is there a painful reckoning ahead?

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IMPORTANT NOTE: The information and opinions offered in this video by Wealthion or its interview guests are for educational purposes ONLY and should NOT be construed as personal financial advice. We strongly recommend that any potential decisions and actions you may take in your investment portfolio be conducted under the guidance and supervision of a quality professional financial advisor in good standing with the securities industry. When it comes to investing, past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any historical returns, expected returns, or probability projections may not reflect actual future performance. All investments involve risk and may result in partial or total loss.


26 thoughts on “How Much Pain For The Housing & Jobs Markets Lies Ahead In 2023? | Mike "Mish" Shedlock”

  1. How will we ever know the real employment report? From what I read, there is no way Biden is telling the truth. (heaven forbid that they will admit a problem during their reign!). All we hear about is thousands of layoffs every week, but the good ol' Biden employment numbers are awesome! Sick.

  2. They say they brought inflation down. Just went to Home Depot to buy a few items. Have you seen price of an appliance say refrigerator. I paid 900 dollars for refrigerator 3 yrs ago. This same one costs atleast 1600 to 2000.

    Saw rider mower that costs 1260 dollars in 2020
    Costs now atleast 1800 or above.

    So how is the Fed saying inflation is 10 percent.

    Atleast I see 20 percent inflation. Food, Housing, Auto take up most of cost. Homes up almost 80 perecent. Food up atleast 40 percent, Autos up 20 percent thanks to weak yen.

  3. The fix and flipper on this episode is playing with 🔥🔥🔥. What he is doing is called wishful thinking. I'm a real estate professional myself and I have seen what rising rates have done so far to the economy and it's not up for debate that things will get a lot worse.

  4. The guy with the second to the last question was basing his comments on anecdotal info at best, just absolutley delusional or bs'ing Adam and Mish at worst.

    I'm not sure how he ties 30 year mortgages in with the rates the Fed controls. If banks want to lend money for 30 years at 6%, that's their right. And If inflation get's back to 2%, the net 4% real rate for 30 years is not a bad deal. Many people would take that. Has nothing to do with the short term.

    As Mish said, to everyone with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

    With inflation still close to 8% (and real inflation between 15 and 20%), the Fed isn't even close to cutting rates.

    Not only has the stock market another 50% down to go, but so do housing prices as well.

  5. Lol cannot wait for this house flipper at 55 minutes to get absolutely rekt. It’s people like him ruining the real estate market and only until speculators are rekt in this mkt will things go back to normal.

  6. The guy who claimed expertise about the housing, went for ever to say nothing. Here is the answer for Mish's question. If we go 5% and if you add bank premium the ratio of median income to median house price payment will plunge to 1.8 (now we are at 3.2+). If you want to math I can give it to you.

  7. Am I truly listening to someone speaking like I did in the second grade? And I um um um was held back due to my speech. Oh poor Elon speaks like I did. I guess I was over intelligent when I was young, and everyone around me was just stubborn and bullies!

  8. Sad I missed the live stream. Mike says boomers retiring will keep the jobs market strong. Won't boomers dying off, pop the housing bubble as well?

    I'm seeing boomers lose a spouse and then give up their home. They either remarry or move in with a friend or family member. Imagine that on a much larger scale as time passes.

    Blackrock wrote an article on the Silver tsunami. Do we really need the feds to increase interest rates to control housing prices?

  9. George Gammon is pointing to a statement at the Bank of International Settlement's website which says that off-the-record non-bank credit swaps (with swap banks in the middle) are now at a 100 Trillion with rollovers to begin early 2023.These events have the potential to cause a global financial upheaval which will be a thousand times the magnitude of the 2008 derivatives collapse.
    Could you, please, look into this and perhaps invite someone from BIS, or an expert on US and global credit swaps who could educate us on what is about to happen?
    Thanks Much for all your work in bringing us priceless information from the experts you select.

  10. We need to stop living by the laws of the global elite and start living by spiritual moral values, and we can do this only when we unite! Right now an international social project, the Creative Society, is gaining momentum in every country all over the planet! People from different countries and different religions are uniting to build a just society! This is the only way we can change everything! THE CREATIVE SOCIETY!!!

  11. Coming onto Wealthion as a self-described home flipper? Might as well have said, Hi guys, I'm Satan 🙂 Just kidding (partly). To my real point, regarding those "20%" Housing predictions: I personally do not think there is such a thing as a "20% housing decline". Not with the ways things currently work in the US anyway. Either it's going to be 10-15% down or 30% down. The reason being, once 20% is confirmed in the mainstream news, millions of (young) people will strategically default…taking the market to -30%, maybe even -35%! Great show.


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