How Much AMMO Should You BUY RIGHT NOW?

You catch that video we did on which ammo calibers to stock up on? If you did, I bet you’re wondering, “How much ammo should I keep around?”

You ain’t alone! A lot of folks are asking, “How much ammo should I have?”

Let me break it down for you with a no nonsense approach.

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23 thoughts on “How Much AMMO Should You BUY RIGHT NOW?”

  1. if you dont have night vision, night sights, a silenced autorifle subsonic ammo OPTION, at least concealable armor, solar charger batteries, and enough brains to remain hidden during the day, make no noise, have no fire during the day and show no light at night, you wont last a month of shtf, no matter HOW much ammo you have or how skilled a shottist you are. You' can dig a 10m long tunnel in a week, starting in a spidehole. A year after shtf, 99% of the population will be dead. 90% at 6 months. 2 months in the game and fish will all be gone. 1 month in, the livestock, stored grain, and produce will be gone. 3 months in, the cats and dogs and all, the known-edible wild-plants will have been eaten. and the cannibalism will start in-earnest.

    Most people will suicide over what they've lost and what they'll have to do in order to survive. You'll die over not having scatter-buried $1000 worth of long term food at your BOL, which BETTER be in the woods near your local water source. Nobody's going anywhere by road or 4 wheels when shtf, cause there will be ambushes everywhere.. Stay in that tunnel for a year, coming out only at night, and only for an hour or so. Scan 360 degrees with thermal or IR every 5 minutes and it will be very unlikely that you'll have problems.

    In TEN years of shtf, you wont need 200 rds of centefire rifle ammo, 50 rds of centefire pistol ammo, or 500 rds of subsonic 22lr, fired thru a silencer, of course. If you do, you're doing so many things wrong that you'll never make it. You have to AVOID people, due to betrayal and diseases. Your "fighting' better be 90% night time, BB gun quiet brainings, at 100m and less. You can''t be in any firefights. YOull have no safe base to run back to, nobody will be helping you and any serious wound will kill you from infection and inability to do what you/ll need to do.

    YOu need reloading components, scrap lead, bullet casting tools, and 22lr ammo, for training NOW and shortages of supply, but post shtf, the only training possible will be airsoft and .177 lead pellets. Ammo will be too precious and you cant be making noise.

  2. these claims are a crock and all they do is drive up prices and screw fellow survivalists Dont be stupid. If you've got 2000 rds of 223, or the ability to reload same, 10,000 rds of 22lr, 500 of that being subsonic ammo that cycles your autoloaders, and the ability to cast and reload 10,000 rds of 9mm, you're set for many years of practice what needs to be practiced, along with about 5000 each airsoft pellets/gas and .177 lead pellets, with both pistol and rifle to fire those pellets. Get a $6000 college loan. You only have to pass half of your 4 classes that fire semester in order to qualify for a second, full time, $6000 loan. The monthly payment on 12k of Dept of Ed loans is about $80. you can make $80 per week selling your plasma ,but that takes 2 hours at a time, twice per week. If you only sell plasma once per week, it's $50 and you can pretty much pick your time. Half of the 2 hours is spent waiting in line. When you can CALL and find out when the line is short, you can be done in 1 hour. So there you go, 12k to prep with and a way to pay for it that's no strain on you.

  3. Good and concise advice👍
    I also recommend getting paper books on things like medicine, farming, and interrogation techniques. Or whatever area that floats your boat, just remember that the internet is temporary, it is too dangerous for the powers that be, so see to it that you do not depend on it.

  4. All good the ammo you can lay your hands on , no such thing as too much ! Besides , once shit goes down , any excess can always be used for bartering ! You’ll be surprised how valuable ammo is to someone , when their out ! Be sure to have any thing over what you need for a couple months , buried deep and in different spots ! When one area gets hot ,move to your secondary location ,and have ammo at your disposal ! I’ve ammo from Vietnam , that is still good ! Ummm , one guy I know , has 20,000 rifle rounds , 25,000 9 ml. , and a 55 gal. Drum filled up to about 3 in. From the top, with 22. Ammo at his secondary location ! Just bury them deep !

  5. I'd place some emphasis on reloading supplies. Keep primers in zipper bags or good quality gasketed containers, closed under dry conditions. Powder stores itself just the way it's purchased. Bullets and cases store nicely without much fuss.
    JMHO, FWIW, YMMV, etc.

  6. If you can afford it, and a dry ,cool place to store it, then buy all you can. Once SHTF it will go like hot cakes. There will be no more. If our Democrat Government doesn't declare it Illegal. Three items to store: food ( freeze dried), water, power ( electric) , fuel, and security ( guns and ammo) plus knowledge , a good secure location, and people that are in your group. If you can afford it. You would have to be a regular Howard Hugh's with that much wealth. Or move to a foreign safe location.


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