How many lives have you lived? Narcotics Detective, Broker, Marine, Drug Dealer, Blessed. Part 2

The Many Lives of Howard Rizio (Part 2 of 2). What does it take to Awaken Spiritually and is it something you can do? Or does it happen to you? This is Part One of My Journey from Ignorance to Awakening and the Price of Admission that I had to pay. The Cost is often great and for me, it meant losing everything that I thought defined me including my financial security, my material possessions, my identity, my pride, my reputation, my image, my respect, and even my freedom. The Price was great but the cost was worth it. I would suffer it all again and wouldn’t change a thing to experience what I do today.

#addictionrecovery #spirituality #awakening


2 thoughts on “How many lives have you lived? Narcotics Detective, Broker, Marine, Drug Dealer, Blessed. Part 2”

  1. My Gawd 😳 there’s so much of your story that I directly relate too.. 🤦🏽‍♂️ My Gawd I didn’t realize how much until I listened to your story. It legitimately sounds like me in many ways. Even the age in which it all happened to you.


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