How many Galaxies Orbit Around The Milky Way?

In the solar system, the planets orbit the Sun, and in the galaxy, the stars orbit around the galactic center, which is usually a supermassive black hole. But… Did you know that galaxies also orbit around other galaxies? Yes! These are the “Satellite Galaxies,” a type of small galaxies which orbit the largest ones like the Via milky! as you heard, it turns out that Via Lactea is so large that other galaxies orbit around it just as planets orbit the Sun.
Would you like to know what these satellite galaxies are and what effects they produce in our galaxy? Let’s find out!
Our galaxy is a fantastic place; in addition to being the galaxy we live in, it is also a towering object that stands out from other nearby galaxies. Although the Way Lactea is not the more big galaxy in the universe, it is a vast galaxy within the Local Group.
The Local Group is a collection of at least 54 galaxies within a region about 10 million light-years across, including the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy, and several smaller galaxies. In general, the satellite galaxies of the Local Group have fewer stars. They are much fainter than the Milky Way and other giant galaxies, making them more challenging to detect and study.
The satellite galaxies of the Milky Way are fascinating because they are the closest celestial objects to us, after stars and planets. Astronomers have identified at least 50 satellite galaxies in the region around the Milky Way. However, some are so faint that the most advanced technology has only recently detected them. Some of the most essential satellite galaxies orbiting the Milky Way are:

Large Magellanic Cloud:
The Large Magellanic Cloud is an irregular dwarf galaxy that orbits the Milky Way at a distance of approximately 163,000 light-years. It is one of the satellite galaxies of the Milky Way and is visible to the naked eye from the southern hemisphere. It was named after the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who observed it during his voyage around the world in 1519.
Small Magellanic Cloud
It is another satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, located at a distance of approximately 200,000 light years. Like the Large Magellanic Cloud, it is visible to the naked eye from the southern hemisphere and is named after Ferdinand Magellan.

Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy
This is a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, located 25,000 light years away. It is a spherical dwarf galaxy with an estimated mass of 500,000 solar masses and an old, metal-poor stellar population. “metal-poor” refers to the low abundance of elements heavier than helium in a star or galaxy.

The Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy
It is located about 81,000 light-years away. It is a spherical dwarf galaxy discovered in 1994 and is one of the closest galaxies to the Milky Way.
The Fornax Dwarf Galaxy
It is located in the constellation of Fornax, approximately 460,000 light years from us. It is a spherical dwarf galaxy discovered in 1938.

Sculptor’s Dwarf Galaxy
It is located at a distance of approximately 280,000 light years from us. It is a dwarf spheroidal galaxy discovered by Harlow Shapley in 1937.

The Leo I Dwarf Galaxy
The Leo I Dwarf Galaxy is a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way located in the constellation Leo, at a distance of approximately 820,000 light-years from us. It is one of the brightest and most massive dwarf galaxies known.
The Leo Dwarf Galaxy II
The Leo II Dwarf Galaxy is another satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, located in the constellation Leo at approximately 700,000 light-years from us. Despite its small size, it is an interesting galaxy to astronomers as it has a very pronounced elliptical shape, distinguishing it from many other dwarf galaxies.


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Credits: Ron Miller, Mark A. Garlick / ,Elon Musk/SpaceX/ Flickr

00:00 Intro
1:01 local group
2:02 large magellanic cloud
3:00 globular cluster
3:30 cepheids
3:49 small magellanic cloud
5:05 canis major
6:10 The Sagittarius dwarf galaxy
6:54 The Fornax dwarf galaxy
7:58 Sculpture’s dwarf galaxy
8:58 The Leo 1 dwarf galaxy
9:45 The Leo 2 dwarf galaxy

#insanecuriosity #galaxies #milkyway


11 thoughts on “How many Galaxies Orbit Around The Milky Way?”

  1. Hey guys! If you liked the video, we would love for you to share it on social networks like Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, Tik Tok and Twitter.(Since the algorithm is not helping us in terms of views). You will greatly help the Insane Curiosity community to grow and improve more and more our upcoming content. A big thank you from all of us

  2. Yeah. A lot of those graphics had nothing to do with what you were talking about at the time. Essentially you just had a space related slide show playing while you talked. Very disapointed

  3. Fascinating. To think only 100 or so years ago, it was first proven Andromeda was itself a much larger galaxy headed straight for our own milky way. Not least, that Andromeda is but one of an almost countless number of galaxies in the known universe itself! 😮

  4. 📝 Summary of Key Points:

    📌 Satellite galaxies are small galaxies that orbit larger ones like the Milky Way. They are challenging to detect and study due to their faintness.

    🧐 The Milky Way is part of the Local Group, which consists of at least 54 galaxies. Astronomers have identified at least 50 satellite galaxies around the Milky Way.

    🚀 Important satellite galaxies of the Milky Way include the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud, known for their intense star formation activity and globular clusters.

    🚀 The Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy is a spherical dwarf galaxy located 25,000 light years away from the Milky Way, with an old, metal-poor stellar population.

    🚀 The Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy, located about 81,000 light years away, is being torn apart by the Milky Way, contributing to the stream of stars in the galactic halo.

    🚀 The Fornax Dwarf Galaxy, located approximately 460,000 light years away, has a large population of globular clusters and is used to study the structure and dynamics of dwarf galaxies.

    🚀 The Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy is notable for its density of dark matter, providing insights into the distribution and properties of dark matter.

    🚀 The Leo 1 and Leo 2 Dwarf Galaxies in the constellation Leo have different heavy element contents and shapes, offering valuable information about galaxy formation and evolution.

    🚀 Studying satellite galaxies helps in understanding dark matter, galaxy formation, stellar evolution, and other fundamental areas of astronomy.

    💡 Additional Insights and Observations:

    💬 "By studying these galaxies, we are reminded of the importance of looking beyond the obvious and exploring what lurks in the shadows."

    📊 Astronomers have identified at least 50 satellite galaxies around the Milky Way.

    🌐 References and Sources: The video does not mention specific references or sources.

    📣 Concluding Remarks:

    Satellite galaxies, although small and faint, provide valuable insights into various aspects of astronomy. They help in understanding dark matter, galaxy formation, stellar evolution, and more. By studying these galaxies, astronomers can uncover mysteries and expand our knowledge of the cosmos.
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