How Lost Ark Will Change in 2023…(Amazon Franchise Leader Interview)

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Stoopzz reacted to a news artictle regarding Lost Ark’s Future in 2023 and how things are gonna drastically change. According to the PCNewsN article where they interviewed Soomin Park, the Franchise Leader over at Amazong Games, Amazon is gonna bring classes and content faster to the
west and try to fight the Bot issue and other major problems the game currently has.

This article looks too good to be true, so take the news only after you inhale a full tank of copium…

#로스트아크 #lostark #mmorpg


39 thoughts on “How Lost Ark Will Change in 2023…(Amazon Franchise Leader Interview)”

  1. The real problems with the game have nothing to do with the release schedule or cadence. They could release the entire korean build tomorrow and people would cry again in three months cause Koreas content upgrades aren't fast either. The reason why the game will eventually really struggle is that it's not made for the western audience. I mean look at this community. I have never seen a bigger cesspool of entitled and spoiled children crying at every turn for every little thing that bothers them in a free to play game. We got like two and a half years worth of content in one year and still people act as if we got nothing? The negativity is through the roof. People are constantly memeing as if they SMG is the worst company there is that constantly fucks up. Maint takes 30 minutes longer than planned? People lose their fucking minds completely disregarding that 80% of the time maint is shorter than planned. Korea got new Hairstyles and QoL recently? Everyone acts as if there is no shot that we get that anytime soon despite historically we always got these kind of things super shortly after them.

    The worst part of this communty are the players that did not inform themselves before about what is actually in the game and then whine about it. It's an mmo, a game where you invest thousands of hours and you can't invest an hour to try to find out if there is something that would make your mental crack and quit? Honing, stone cutting, bracelet rolling, daily grind simulation and all the other systems aren't even hidden and are pretty much in your face. So why do people not ask themselves whether they actually want to deal with it or not BEFORE starting to play. I have 0 sympathy for anyone who quit over a pity or not getting the stone they want.

    Another big problem is how dishonest many streamers and youtubers are. Stoopz telling us LA respects our time or how every streamer at the start of the game had this silly agenda to tell us how tierlists don't matter and the game is fairly well balanced? People who made shit classes and never see the MVP screen sure loved that one. Or how many guides tell us that we need to do shit that is absolutely not necessary? Better bring three whirlwinds and two destructions to Cali? LMAO.

  2. You know how I know whatever rmt solution they implemented isn’t the greatest? I have 5 friends that rmt, and I still play with them every week. On one hand, I’m thankful that I get to play with my friends. On the other hand, your rmt detection algorithm sucks balls. 😂

  3. For the BOZO's crying that they can't do new content without researching videos from KR:
    Step 1: Don't watch the youtube guides
    Step 2: Make a group and name it 'Learning Party for 'x' gate' or entire encounter
    Step 3: Don't gatekeep people
    Step 4: Start the raid
    Step 5: Die dozens of times, go out, repair, go back in to die dozens of times again
    Step 6: Learn the encounter the hard way.
    Step 7: ???
    Step 8: Profit
    Step 9: Send me the profits
    Step 10: Stonks

  4. But even if they lessen the dailies people will just do more alts until the point they are pressured again ¯_(ツ)_/¯
    Like they have now 6 chars but once you lets say make it so you have to only do one guardian and chaos each day per char then they just play with 12 chars instead 6

  5. Closing the gap will only work if they bring the QOL / boosts with it. If they gave us the latest patch tomorrow players wouldnt step foot into it for months without swiping, it would be another Argos situation.

  6. I hope this is true and they put 100% effort to make it this year because the game population is unsustainable atm. For every veteran that quits there's no mokokos or people coming back because a) Hyper Express is mandatory if you want to come back/start, b) new player economy is fucked beyond even KR.. My server is already losing about 1 lobby every 2 weeks. At current pace in three mo ths our PF will be as dead as EUW.

  7. Many are quitting Lost Ark hoping Diablo 4 is their saviour. I wonder if they still would if they could see what D4's endgame is like now. Lost Ark here is at a disadvantage because we always know whats coming in future updates. There is no fix for that so I'm hoping this article is true.

  8. the worst thing about the last few months is that the vendors stopped giving us pirate coins
    the ship merchant is literally deleted from the game because of this for me

  9. i really hope they dont nerf Valtan gold anytime soon the only Legion raid i enjoy doing is Valtan, and if they remove all gold from Valtan, Argos and so on i will be forced to do Clown G3 and Brel 1-6 and i really dont want to do that.

  10. The only way they will close the gap, is to 5x our drops for material and triple our gold. Or pump events that aren't shit 1:1 to koreans events. Make it 50:1. PUMP THEM UP

  11. D4 is going to destroy Lost Ark's player base if SG/AGS don't get a handle on the situation. There is a ton wrong with the game still. Why is there no learning raid mode? Let learners que into an "Easier" mode that gives 50% less stuff. Mech don't 1 shot and don't hit as hard and teaches players to actually do the raids. This can prevent the gatekeeping. I know this perspective very well since I am not in a guild. I couldn't get into any clown groups when it game out (I was a DB main). Kept getting denied since I didn't have 1510+ GS at the time. Now with Brel being out I haven't been able to learn clown and my progression has hit a stone wall. Many players not in major guilds probably feel this effect as well. I doubt this is an isolated issue. Now that clown is on Farm no one wants a learner. Learner groups are very biased against classes as well. I've tried making groups for learning but literally no one will join since I started playing reaper. Without a person in the group that looks like a carry. It's frustrating. I stopped playing and went back to BDO tbh. Which is saying a lot since that game is worse when it comes to honing problems but at least with that game I cannot get gatekept or pushed away just cause of something that I enjoy. They have to give players a way to learn the raids so they don't get gatekept. Especially new players. Give new players double drops until a certain roster level (So they progress faster). Most "veteran players" are extremely toxic to new players as well. I was helping a Vykas learning group a while back and we had a mokoko who was learning and within 2 wipes on a learning group one of our supports just started raging on the new player. The new player left the group (Alt+F4'd). The bot issue is completely out of pocket still. Better but still bad. Class releases are going to do what they have always done. Inflate the player base for like 3 weeks then it's going to die down to where it is now again. That number will keep decreasing as problems aren't fixed/handled. Give veteran players a reason to que with newer players/learners. Say if for example a player has the boss title and joins an "Easy mode Que" to help people learn they get rewarded with something. Say a legendary card pack once a week, 3k gold, and a special "teacher" currency that they can redeem at a vender for mats. This can incentivize Vets to teach new players.

    I would love to come back to Lost Ark but as it sits how it is I would only really come back to try a new class for fun since I love the games combat style. There is 0 incentive for me to come back to Lost Ark just to repeat the above process for a few months just to quit again later.

  12. Bots have screwed this game beyond belief. Economy is mangled. Too much time between waves. Horrible itemization. I'll continue to play because the combat is top notch but man…. They need to fix some of the problems

  13. So are they gonna fix pvp content? Or is it just ignored again. They wanna release all the castrated pvp (Rowen, moba) but arenas is ignored. No class balance. No QOL(pvp has major ping issues, and I mean major) I could care less about needing raids blah blah, raids never change its always the same fight, but they just ignore pvp.

  14. In the interview you did with Roxx, she indicated that content would be slowing down. This interview indicates that it will be speeding up?

    Honestly I would love for them to get their story straight. CMs deliver the information they are given, but when that information changes it just makes the CMs look bad and players start to distrust the information they provide.

  15. Honestly this is going to sound mean but lost ark need to do something to help on how trash the general player base is tired of sighting igniter sorcs with the lowest DPS in group or people who just run around expecting to get carried as long as the stay alive we need some kind of boot camp on how bad the gen pop is

  16. The problem is that we're catching with players in n KR that had a year to save their mats for new content aka elgecia,akkan etc.

    What AGS/SG should do is what stoopz said, give us giga-tons of materials, gold,silver etc when newer content released so we can easily hone up easier to play those content. Else, we'll be right back to the ancient saying "why rush? The content is there forever". Yeah us westerns wanna wait a few months to only get gate-keep due to tittle requirements or on ilvl. Yes we can join learning party but after you're good on mechs, the shit game begins because you're "4 months behind".

  17. Will Lost Ark finally start to respect our time? KEK

    Paid article. We aren't catching up to KR, there's just no way. AGS is too incompetent to pull something like that.

  18. Everyone complaining about content too fast and having to play alts and do too many chaos d and guardians listen guys is not a job you dont have to feel like you have to do it everyday for doing the content the same day at the end of the day this game is gonna be here in a month and next year just take it easy is a game not a job

  19. To be honest, one thing that this article does is, it tells us that Amazon + SG actually are working together for plans on the global release, as where many people say "Amazon is not responsible for anything being released." Personally, I think it would be pretty stupid for SG not to take advantage of Amazon's data and US advice; they have to be getting their information from somewhere, why not Amazon as opposed to some less credible source?

  20. Akkan in Summer? bruv how much more stressful do you want it to be xD.. Honing to Akkan til August with current level of hone assistance provided to us feels like an actualy job, working overhours too.. I still dont have a single lvl 10 damage gem and they want me to be 1600 by August.. KEKW


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