I SLEPT With Another Man And My Husband Is ANGRY! | #aita #reddit

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What’s up Wikimaniacs! On today’s episode, we have an OP who cancels his coffee order, a husband is offended by his wife, an OP texts her husband’s best friend to get a reaction, an OP has a run in with her sister’s ex boyfriend, and OP’s husband can’t accept the truth.

Let us know your thoughts!

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0:00- Intro
03:46 – Am I wrong for cancelling my order at this coffee shop?
11:30 – AITAH for telling my wife it offends me when she puts her shirt on?
20:03 – Would I be the ah if I texted my husband’s bestfriend to see her reaction?
30:45 – I am falling for my sister’s ex. Would it be unreasonable to date him?
44:10 – AITA for divorcing my husband because he can’t accept that I was with another guy before him?

Story Links:
Story 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/redditonwiki/comments/1bq5l63/not_oop_am_i_wrong_for_canceling_my_order_at_this/
Story 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/redditonwiki/comments/1bt8im7/not_oop_husband_mad_at_wife_for_not_wanting_to_be/
Story 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/redditonwiki/comments/1brm2gf/would_i_be_the_ah_if_i_texted_my_husbands_best/
Story 4: https://www.reddit.com/r/redditonwiki/comments/1bf9d1n/she_literally_fucked_around_and_found_out/
Story 5: https://www.reddit.com/r/redditonwiki/comments/1bpty4o/not_oop_aitah_for_divorcing_my_husband_because_he/


33 thoughts on “I SLEPT With Another Man And My Husband Is ANGRY! | #aita #reddit”

  1. Story 2 – If I were her I would also feel the same because even though he says he won’t sexualize her she could never really know for sure he is not. And not just sexualizing there is also the fear that someone is judging your body. Like I bet she wouldn’t be completely naked around a straight girl or a gay guy. It’s a vulnerable position to be in and no matter what you will be subconsciously aware that someone is observing you. He is making this personal when it’s not and it sounds like no matter what her answer was it wouldn’t be good enough.

  2. Not Spencer in the last story being exactly like Ben Affleck in the movie Chasing Amy!

    If ya'll didn't know, in Chasing Amy, Ben Affleck gets with a girl that he assumed was a lesbian and he was her first man. Truth is/was she was bisexual and he was not her first man. He reacted the EXACT SAME WAY and she broke up with him. OP should do the same.

  3. Not Spencer in the last story being exactly like Ben Affleck in the movie Chasing Amy!

    If ya'll didn't know, in Chasing Amy, Ben Affleck gets with a girl that he assumed was a lesbian and he was her first man. Truth is/was she was bisexual and he was not her first man. He reacted the EXACT SAME WAY and she broke up with him. I wouldn't blame OP if she did the same.

  4. As a queer lady myself, I have thoughts on that last story – a lot of straight men don't believe in bisexuality, as if women can only be either straight or lesbian. So if he thought she'd only been with women before him, I bet he thought of himself as the man who "turned" her, and had a massive ego trip about it. To have that ego boost shattered was a rude awakening for his dumb butt, and I'm thinking that's a big part of why he was so upset…

  5. Me Personally As long as the body counts not too high. I really wouldn't mind. What I mean by that is, if she has slept with 15 or less people. I'm fine with that. Anything more than I probably would just want to be their friends? Does that make me a bad person probably. But everyone has a right to their standards in a relationship.

  6. Listen, I don’t necessarily think the first op is in the wrong. The cashiers response was rude. How hard would it have been to answer or if it really was busy she could’ve said “sorry, we’re not supposed to chat when we’re busy”

  7. I’ve learned through the years that stating your body count can be a very bad thing. Especially if that number is higher than the other person’s expectations. I was honest once when I was asked (which no one should ever ask), and all it did was give that person ammo that they thought they could hurt me with.🙄 My current bf asked my number and I just told him that if it really mattered to him, we should probably go our separate ways now. He has never asked again.

  8. I think Sean is right to have different opinions about the twin sister story and the Pearl Harbor movie. The twin sister story they KNOW she’s dead. There is a body. I’ve never seen Pearl Harbor but with Sean’s summary he’s presumed dead. There’s no body, give them some time to find it before jumping into bed with his best friend. Also I agreed with their take on the twin sister story but it never specified if they were identical or fraternal twins. I’m personally less inclined to give them grace if they’re identical than if they’re fraternal. Like it’s easier to acknowledge that they’re two separate people and it feels less like a replacement fantasy if they aren’t identical. Don’t know if that is a weird line to draw or not that’s just where it becomes too much to me.

  9. Story #2. I want to yell at the man, “it’s not about you!” Geeze. Everyone, even married people need alone time. She said it’s her decompression ritual. It has nothing to do with him! We all act a little different when you know you’re 100% alone.

  10. Story 4:… dumber then a box of rocks. A truly changed man wouldn’t have f_ed the sister of the girl he cheated on 🙃 tf. Why would you even want that? There are quite literally millions of men in this world…

  11. The last story happened to me. My boyfriend called me a slut because I slept with people before I met him -__- and my body count was higher than him ha! Even though I'm older. I broke up hahaha Andrew Tate has destroyed our boys 😭

  12. OMG😳, Spencer is the biggest red flag. She must stay far away from him. He's CRAZY! He needs some form of mental assistance because wow! He also sounds like he has a Micro penis

  13. Story 4 : wdym he's changed he's trying to go with his ex's SISTER it's giving Bridgerton season 2, leave them siblings alone 😭

    Edit: OP is breaking her trust too, just saying 'he's changed' while he's doing the exact same thing with OP is willlddd


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