How Jontron (almost) Ruined His Career

Today we’ll tell the story of Jon Jafari, and his many run ins with conflict.

Written by Class Act Jack:
Edited by Slackr:

Intro music by

This video is for documentary, educational, and artistic purposes.


26 thoughts on “How Jontron (almost) Ruined His Career”

  1. jontron ‘why do the left hate white men’ to ‘i a white man, have no evidence that black people commit more crimes but im gna say openly that they do and its a biological thing’

    whine piggy boy whine

  2. I used to LOVE Jontron, but after the “debate” and all of the nonsense he spewed, I just couldn’t look at him the same. I wish he could have just kept his mouth shut or educated himself just a little bit, so I didn’t feel nauseous every time I’ve tried to watch him since. Out of all the “drama” on YouTube, this is the one that really got to me. Why can’t we have nice things??

  3. I don't watch Jon anymore. Not because of the political stuff, the new stuff isn't as interesting imo. I miss when he did video games and those older videos will always be totally nostalgic to me and so much damn fun. It's too bad all this had to happen tho. Really is a shame. Glad he's at least doing better tho and was able to keep up with a new audience.

  4. Honestly, we live in a society where we can’t voice “right wing” ideas because it will either ruin or “almost ruin” careers and lives. Honestly you see who really writes history

  5. IDK, he makes good content and was a huge part of my childhood but also, knowing the way he feels about people like me, and people who have been physically disabled by covid like me makes me feel othered by someone I really looked up to. I fell down the alt right pipeline years ago and knowing the way people speak about people like me destroys me.

    It hurts to know I'm the kind of person someone I look up to would make fun of and actively dislike. He makes good content though… Idk


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