How Islam Conquered and Destroyed 'New Atheism'

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[NB: YouTube has restricted our show to limited advertisements because it claims our content is too “controversial” (i.e. we expose US, Indian and Israeli human rights violations), which means we are totally dependent on the generosity of our supporters]


30 thoughts on “How Islam Conquered and Destroyed 'New Atheism'”

  1. Please help me counter injustices in Muslim world by supporting my journalism and CJWS on Patreon here:

    or via YouTube here:

    One-time donations can be made here:

    We can't sustain, improve and grow this program without your help. Thank you!

    [NB: YouTube has restricted our show to limited advertisements because it claims our content is too "controversial" (i.e. we expose US, Indian and Israeli human rights violations), which means we are totally dependent on the generosity of our supporters]

  2. In Sha Allah, ISLAM is going to conquer the world once again. And it's happening soon….❤️🔥. Thanks CJ for taking about islam & oppressed people around the world…🙌📈
    Edit :- May Allah bless you and guide u towards the best ….

  3. Very thoughtful & thought provoking piece. These new age atheists were and are given pseudo-academic and media cover & indeed are the soft underbelly of the Islamophobia industry bigotry & the systemic pogroms, & oppression that often results.

  4. You champion a great cause. Save it to say that almost all bashers of Muslims have no idea what Islam truly is or have fully read Quran; they mostly are exploiting the ignorance of SM masses to spread their hate. What’s ironic is that the more they do it the more people become interested in the truth about Islam.

  5. Great look. Just look at the title "Islam" "destroy" "conquer"
    This channel is taking you even more backwards rather than forward. This is the kind of mindset that will set you back even further. This is becoming so old, boring, and unsuccessful for muslims in the developed world.

  6. May Allah guide you and put peace in your heart, you’ve given so much to Muslims around the world by developing this amazing content. Very proud that a fellow Aussie is on here speaking truth.

  7. here is challenge to this journalist, convert a Muslim to Christianity or non belief and see their reaction… is the thing a large percentage of Muslims are a time bomb ,just needs the right fuse to blow it…..look how they treat minorities in their lands where they are a majority… their books and see how violent their religion is…. the people are good but Islam the religion is bad….


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