How Incredibles 2 Destroyed Everything – Part 1 | Underminer Battle, Interrogation & Devtech Meeting

Incredibles 2 had the potential to be one of the greatest sequels ever made, following up what could be argued as Pixar’s strongest film. Instead, we got this cyclone of calamity that reset every meaningful plot and character the original movie had.

And now, in this trilogy of videos, I’m gonna explain how badly they’ve fumbled the ball.

Time Stamps:

00:00 – Intro
04:36 – Opening Logos & Music Choice
05:33 – Tony’s Interrogation Begins
06:00 – Why does Tony look so different?
07:51 – “Should we be doing this?”/Reframing the original ending
10:48 – Bob Jumps into Action…By Himself. With Nobody to Help
12:21 – An Unfortunate Tony Incident
14:14 – The Underminer is a Bank Robber Now
16:58 – Bob is an Incompetent Buffoon (1v1ing the Underminer)
21:18 – Frozone & Violet Join the Battle
23:11 – Helen’s Highway Rescue
24:09 – Violet’s New Move
25:19 – Passing Jack Jack Around
26:19 – A Mysterious Man Appears as The Incredibles Stop the Tunneler
28:11 – A Comparison of Opening Scenes
30:28 – “Dude, you can criticize the logic in ANY movie! You’re biased against movies like TS4 & Incredibles 2; the original movies are just as flawed”
33:36 – “Ugh, why do you nitpick everything so much?”
39:46 – “Why do you care so much about silly kids movies?”
43:10 – The Interrogation Scene/The Incredibles are Blamed for the Damage
50:22 – The Program is Shut Down and…”Politicians Don’t Understand”
53:13 – Helen’s Assassination (Moral Beliefs about Superheroes & Opinion on Her Kids’ Competence)
1:00:32 – A Comparison of Dinner Scenes
1:02:06 – The Pool Scene/ “I Need to Do This”
1:03:49 – Lucius Shows Up and DevTech Offer
1:06:21 – Going to DevTech/Where did this building come from?
1:07:38 – Meeting Winston and…Evelyn…Deavor.
1:09:23 – The Deavor Backstory and those goddamn phones
1:13:50 – Winston’s Redundant Plan/People actually believe the Incredibles caused the damage
1:18:16 – Bob’s Assassination (Faith in Helen)
1:20:37 – Bob’s Assassination (Jealousy of his wife/Selfish Desires)
1:24:35 – Outro


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23 thoughts on “How Incredibles 2 Destroyed Everything – Part 1 | Underminer Battle, Interrogation & Devtech Meeting”

  1. Oh, wow. I wasn’t expecting this. I haven’t watched your videos in a while and thought about maybe checking them out again. Then this popped up in my feed lol. I also wasn’t expecting this cuz… holy cow. I already wasn’t a big fan of this movie to begin with, but this review so far has really put things into perspective. The sheer amount of things this film misunderstands from the original film is kinda astonishing. I almost feel like an idiot for not picking up on some of these lol. Great review as always. I absolutely love your use of Mauler styled editing. Really got a laugh out of me at certain points. Your criticisms are also incredibly on point. You get an A+ from me (which might not mean much, but there you go lol).

  2. 21:4021:57
    Ironically, there's actually a deleted scene to explain how Lucius/Frozone manages to get there. It was basically a similar scene to scene the Omni-droid attacking the city and the whole "WHERE'S MY SUPERSUIT?!?!" in the original. Except this time, the audience would get to see Lucius's wife.
    But Brad Bird claims that they chose to take it out because, "A. We stayed away from the big action scene TOO LONG and kill the momentum. And B. We believed that the off-camera-ness of not showing Lucius's wife was meant to be part of the joke."
    OK, so I could understand point B. But with point A, considering what you've pointed out in the past 10 minutes, I doubt any momentum was being killed. The creators could've simply had Lucius witness the attack and trying to get his suit and nothing would have been changed much.
    Edit: I hope in your next parts of your analysis, you bring in the director’s commentary like you did for Toy Story 4 to see if Brad Bird is turning into Josh Cooley.

  3. My issue with this movie is that it felt very….samey? to the first one, but with very little humor and none of the charm and Bob's blatant ret-conned in sexism was a major turn off.

    Bob was NOT sexist in the first movie, his motivation for not telling Helen about going off and doing secret super hero stuff was that, one, they were illegal and Helen was very obviously against it and two, he liked the self-satisfaction of saving people.

  4. Um how dare you I love this movie there are people who also love this movie to this is the reason why I gave this a dislike in this video stop criticizing movies people love Incredibles 2 is great because Rotten tomatoes, the academy, and the box office said so stop it now

  5. I can't wait for part 2. I kinda feel like watching toy story 4 now and then watching the 5 hour review of yours to see if I missed anything on how the movie isn't as good as the other films. I wish I had the absolute confidence to watch movies and shows comfortably tho I have other responsibilities to do and wish I was younger and could be more influence to watch more stuff.

  6. yeah i hated it too. i couldn't believe how disappointing it was. two things that bothered me a lot were the newer heroes looked awful and their outfits didn't fit the time period, and i really thought they would have the same amount of time pass for the movie characters as had passed while we were waiting for the second movie… like how they aged Andy in TS3… saw heroes in the 70's or whatever, with the kids grown up, and the baby not a dumb baby anymore. idk. anything but what we got.

  7. Yes! Let's go, I had this movie at like a 4 out of 10 while liking it for what it was, knowing it had lots of issues, and never do thinking too much about those issues, I will love to see you go over the movie more critically as little to no people do.

  8. This movie doesn’t even get the timeline right, it’s supposed to take place in the fifties as seen in the first movie but this movie all of a sudden has high futuristic tech and flat screens tvs

  9. I always did find it strange how in the first one the supers were given amnesty in exchange for going into hiding while the second just made supers illegal and never elaborated


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