How I Find Time For My Goals as a Mom and Full Time Student

How to stay motivated: 1. Start small: Don’t try to learn too much too fast. Begin with a manageable amount of time each week, …


23 thoughts on “How I Find Time For My Goals as a Mom and Full Time Student”

  1. Body doubling is a great tool. Especially for people with ADHD. My daughter and I both have it and we body double to clean and fold clothes mostly. It works like magic. Thank you for bringing it up because it’s something that most people have never heard of and it’s a great tool for anyone. I like the Zoom option. Thanks for a great video. You are awesome.

  2. I keep a picture from my middle school years attached to a wooden decoration that says “LIVE”. I am the only one of those young girls who has been gifted with a longer life. And I am “only” 62. I don’t take the gift of life causally. I think you are AWESOME w/ so many pearls of wisdom. 🤗🌷

  3. Thank you for your awesome advice and videos! It’s funny that you post about things when I am pondering them lol! I was just thinking about what ways would work best for me to make sure I’m keeping our schedule and not feeling overwhelmed or like things are just chaotic… I am a stay at home mom with three teenage daughters and a 1 year old daughter. I homeschool all of them too. I just started working from home as a virtual assistant and I do ministry as well. Some days it feels like we all are running in opposite directions but I am learning what works best for us all. I have a few goals and I am going to implement them and see how I can break them up into small time slots.
    Great video 🎉😊

  4. So helpful! I heard someone else say they dedicate an hour each day to their side hustle and that became my pie in the sky idea for what it would take to accomplish anything substantial toward my goal most days that feels impossible. I think 30 mins sounds so much better…maybe even 15, but progress is progress! Thanks for the encouragement. What are you going to school for? Is it the same thing little Lydia wanted to be when she grew up?

  5. I know it is really more psychological than physiological but what I struggle with is energy. I have a full time job but as I am single with no kids that leaves me with free time I can dedicate to myself and still I feel empty of any energy for my personal projects. If anyone has face that and has tips to overcome it ?


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