How Humans Overcome the Dragon in Exodus

God created humans to bear his image, but sometimes we choose our own destruction and start to look a lot more like chaos monsters instead. In this episode, Tim and Jon discuss a human who the prophets frequently called a sea dragon: the Pharaoh who ruled Egypt and enslaved Israel in the scroll of Exodus. If Pharaoh is the seed of the serpent, who is the seed of the woman in Exodus? Listen in to find out!


31 thoughts on “How Humans Overcome the Dragon in Exodus”

  1. great analogies especially at soundbite 35:30 where moses strikes the water the sea parts and the analogy of passing from death on dry land into the water and into life. this also symbolizes our baptism into Christ from death and raise in newness of life. the regeneration of the baptismal water.

  2. May someone please pray for me that God let's me pass away soon I want him to put me down out of my pain. There's no point in me existing anymore I shouldn't be alive anymore I'm not going to do my purpose I'm not going to do God's will. I was a mistake I don't want to be alive anymore please do this for me. My name is Fernando AMEN 🙏.

  3. Thank you for clarifying that the pharoh of Egypt was called a sea dragon by the prophets. I have been having a hard time understanding the pharoh story & this brought more insight. 😇

  4. I like what you guys do BUT there's an awful lot of personal supposition and interpretation here at the level of opinion that (most unlike your usual podcasts) aren't argued from a more solid base. Is it possible you're becoming too much believers in your now successful voices?

  5. (Save To Notes To Send To Others) (Different Ways For Remission Of Sins)

    We Sin Our Whole Life And So We Need For Our Sins To Be Pardoned Or We Will Die In Sin 

    –  Believe  (Your faith will save you)

    John 8:24 (KJV)  I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for (if ye believe not) that I am he, ye shall (die in your sins.)

    – Have knowledge of salvation (Different ways for remission of our sins)
    Luke 1:77 (KJV)  To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the (remission of their sins,)

    – Convert (Your sins are forgiven when you initially believe)

    Acts 10:43 (KJV)  To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive (remission of sins.)

    – Convert Sinner From His Error Of Sin (Explain sin)

    James 5:20 (KJV)  Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall (hide a multitude of sins.)

    – Confession Of Sin (Confess your sins to God not man)

    1 John 1:9 (KJV)  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to (forgive us our sins,) and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    – More Ways For Remission Of Sins (Sins are forgiven from water baptism)

    Acts 2:38 (KJV)  Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be (baptized) every one of you in the (name of Jesus Christ) for the (remission of sins,) and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

    – Have Charity (Having compassion)

    1 Peter 4:8 (KJV)  And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall (cover the multitude of sins.)

    – Love (To Love All Life) 

    Proverbs 10:12 (KJV)  Hatred stirreth up strifes: but (love covereth all sins.)

    – Endure (Predestined are those that do not die in sin)

    Mark 13:13 (KJV)  And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall (endure unto the end,) the same (shall be saved.)

    – Repent From Sin (Sin one has not turned from)

    Luke 13:5 KJV  I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

  6. Whoa you guys I just thought of something interesting 30 minutes in, I noticed you’re getting more open to connecting other mythology, so consider this! Moses and Pharoah, how does their conflict seem to reflect the very conflict of Egypt itself, Set and Horus.
    A very similar battle over human souls wouldn’t you say?
    Is Pharoah not supposed to be a vessel for Horus himself?

  7. I’m so grateful that our God has revealed this to me through your obedience and faithfulness, Tim and Jon. I saw that there was some connection between Isaiah’s poem in chapter 52 and God’s deliverance of His covenant partners in Exodus
 but I didn’t know how deep it was
 I see now how profound are His purposes
 pointing straight to the death, burial and resurrection
 to use the power of evil to overcome evil and eradicate it! SO good!
    It reminds me of an old chorus we used to sing in my youth:
    đŸŽ”Our God is mighty;
    our God is strong!
    Our God is able
    To keep us from all wrong!
    In Him I’ll conquer every ordeal —
    Whether Day or Night

    Walking in His Light

    My faith is strong as steel!

  8. I hope you will be able to address Isaiah 14:28-30 at some point in this series. It seems that King Ahaz is a snake that begets a viper that produces a poisonous serpent, but then the author points to a future blessing. I'm a bit confused.

  9. I cant speak as if i understand.. though perhaps God the creator of all things has extended his hand to men through his choosen son as proofs of good deeds that one can do.. and to all things that can do good that's what one should do.. perhaps not waiting to a time when to do deeds of good has passed.. as Jesus pronounced king of God's kingdom maybe the time for others ruling has passed and serving each other as brothers through kindness is a service to Jesus.. it is good to be thankful to God and love as family.. holding together by love through God. To all good things may they be blessed all thier days.

  10. I THOROUGHLY ENJOYED this very in depth explanation of God's Word ❀❀❀ AWESOME JOB !!!! lol I wrote this before you mentioned cartoon like bc I had struggled trying to spell introquett which I'm still not sure about but I was want to say animated instead 🎉


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