How Hamas Pierced Israel's Famous Iron Dome

I was surprised to learn that Israel still has flight operations in and out of Ben Gurion Airport, their main international airport. This is unheard of for most of the world, in times of missile conflict, but no Israel. So how do they keep flights safe? Well, the unsung hero of their air defenses, the Iron Dome. But there are some cracks in the armor that I uncovered, and there’s a lot more to this story. So let’s figure this out together.

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0:00 – Introduction
1:15 – Why
3:50 – The History
5:45 – Israels Airport Strategy
6:30 – Iron Dome
10:30 – How it works
16:00 – Iron Beam

what we’ll cover
two bit da vinci,gaza strip,hamas attack,israel news,ht news,israel palestine,israel war,palestine and israel history,palestine vs israel,tel-aviv airport,How Israel Keeps Airports Open With Missiles Flying,iron dome israel,iron dome explained,iron dome system,iron dome defense system,iron dome israel defense system,iron dome how it works,iron beam,israel iron dome,israel iron beam laser,israel iron dome explained,israel iron dome system,hamas


28 thoughts on “How Hamas Pierced Israel's Famous Iron Dome”

  1. These topics are impossible, and in the past we'd avoid them at all cost. But I want to at least bring some insight to hard topics, and if I've missed something or offended, please forgive me. I love all of you and all my brothers and sisters. I want to see wars end … please let me know how I can do better, and stick with us! Love & respect

  2. I’m a little bit disappointed in your video. You left out a crucial piece of history an artifacts that archaeologists have been using for hundreds of years in the Middle East when it comes to that region. I would assume you left it out because you didn’t want to offend those who are in a secular frame of mind. If you want to know what that artifact you left out is. It’s the Bible, and there in it is archaeological evidence that proves Israel’s been there long long long before the Balfour declaration. I’m surprise that a man of your suppose integrity would leave out such a crucial piece of history.😮

  3. See, how even this systematic genocide is covered by the Zionist controlled western world. This has to end. The West must be freed from this evil enemy of humanity.

  4. Impressive engineering indeed but driven by war, which as in the past drives innovation – whether those innovations lead to better things for humanity remains to be seen 😢

  5. Killing civvies == bad.
    Both the gov't of Israel and Hamas have done it lots.
    However only one has the power to lock down borders, cut power and water, and keep foreign aid out.

    Imagine if Mexico went nuts and told the people of Tijuana that they must leave the country in 24h. Would we accept them at our borders? Nope. We'd probably get that alligator and sniper infested wall Drump wanted instead. So why do we expect Egypt to accept them?

  6. I know you meant well, but telling a Palestinian in Gaza to 'move', is like Ben Shapiro, reassuring people that when rising sea levels flooded their property, they 'could just sell it and move inland.' Gaza is called an 'open-air prison' for a reason; you can't get out. They are literally imprisoned, for life in a tiny strip of land. Maybe they could move to America? Maybe you weren't thinking of them.

  7. My compliments on your program you really nailed it very well.
    this is wonderful. I Just want to point out that at last Friday's day of Rage, there were casualties. Number one was the Consul in Beijing. He was attacked by a man wielding a knife and subsequently died of his injury.

  8. If you open your eyes you will realize who is right. It is not a good excuse to see a hospital being destroyed to the ground, 500-1000 people die there and just say I don't have knowledge.
    Also, isn't it weird that any group fighting to get back their land is called a terrorist group?
    Do you know that Israel occupied parts of Lebanon and Syria for years?

  9. We visited Israel in 2019 for a 19 tour of the county. On our flight out, our ride to the airport was Palestinian. A couple that was with us, began discussing the conflict between them and the Israelis. The driver said there was no way to resolve the conflict between the countries. I spoke up and said, "I kn0w how." He turned to look at me. I said, "Stop fighting and let it go. No land was worth shedding blood." After an uncomfortably long silence, he looked directly into my eyes and said, "I think you are right. That is the only way." If both sides would learn to live peaceably together, respecting each other, there would be peace. If only one side would let the past go, and the other didn't, you are right Ricky. They should let it go and move. Get their family to a new land, and stop breeding hatred. I don't know if that man is still alive or still in the area. I hope he is safe, and pray for peace to fill the heart of all those people.

  10. War is a different indicator of both sides out of communication with each other, as one philosopher said that communication is a universal solvent. read The Way Happiness.

  11. Whoa…. hold on. You left out the key part of England's role in creating this conflict. The Brits double deal'd, promising Arabs the land also. Moreover, England's support for Zionism was a purely cynical tactical ploy the combat Communism, assuming Jews were a monolithic people and, no surprise, completely out of tune with the local culture namely Communists are internationalists and Trotsky and the other ~25% of the Politburo who were Jewish gave zero shits about Zionism. But yeah… sure, make it sound like the Jews are innocent victims (they are in a sense of being the victim of British double dealing).

  12. The British didn't confiscate Palestinian lands. Arabs landowners living outside Palestine sold the land to Jewish settlers. I don't know what the solution to this problem is, but I can give this pointer. Arabs think differently to Westerners. It may be that solution must come from Arab thinking rather than Western. What we have learned in the 21st century is that democracy, as the West conceives it, does not seem to appeal to the Arab mind.

  13. 5:19 Palestine was demilitarized soon after the British takeover in 1920 but it wasn't enforced against the Zionists Britain was shipping in. This situation still hasn't changed, a disarmed country trying to hold off an armed invasion which has the support of great empires.


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