How Gear For Gold TRANSFORMED Raiding Forever | Classic WoW

Players using in game currencies to get in game advantages goes as far back as gaming. But what if an edge often involving real life money became ingrained in a game to the point where it became the “best” way to play it?
Today we look at the history of the GDKP (buying raid items for gold) in Classic WoW and Wrath Classic

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47 thoughts on “How Gear For Gold TRANSFORMED Raiding Forever | Classic WoW”

  1. GDKP would be such an amazing system were it not for gold farmers who sell gold for real money. All of a sudden wow becomes ACTUALLY pay-to-win because of it. If it wasn't for them, and all gold came from just your time commitment and effort put into the game, then I think GDKP would be amazing. Unfortunately there's just no good way to get rid of gold sellers that Blizzard have discovered yet. The wow token just makes Blizzard the sellers, it doesn't fix the pay-to-win aspect at all. It's a shame that something that could be good for everyone is ruined like this

  2. I am in a guild of 10-15 that hosts gdkp runs. Week one full kill of all 25 man content via gdkp lol. Makes for better pugs imo and no loot drama really. I just became full bis imo and every week from now to ulduar is pure profit. Then most likely for the first few weeks of ulduar ill rake in the gold and then start spending gold to get my items again.

  3. I've never done a GDKP run before but I like the idea of being able to get the item you really want as long as you are willing to throw more money at it then anyone else in the raid. It sucks losing the roll to other people week after week.

  4. I am kind of an asshole to a few people I play with.. they openly admit to spending hundreds.. thousands of Real life money on gold.. they barely play and complain there is no content.. I am very open to call an idiot. an idiot

  5. I miss the old days, it’s the reason why I’ve never joined a guild on Pyrewood, no one seems to be recruiting a levelling paladin, it’s all gear score, impatient players wanting me to tank at 200 miles an hour, and I’m used to chain pulling. I’m level 55 now, likely quit when I hit 80 because I hate dungeons with randoms, I miss playing with a decent guild but they don’t seem to exist any more.

  6. But, it is strange, how while the game gets easier (in terms of methods to gear up) the GDKP increases, I mean in Wolk you can gear up relatively easy compared to vanilla and TBC, but it was in this expantion when the phenomenon got more popular…

  7. As much as I'm not a fan of gold buyers (or sellers), I thoroughly enjoy doing GDKPs.

    The idea that I get to raid (which is fun to me), and either walk out with some upgrades, or walk out with some gold, is really nice.

  8. It seems to me that the problem people have with GDKPs is a perspective issue. If you are going to one because you need gear, that means you don't have a guild, or it's an alt that you don't have a raid spot for. Why would a normal player not have a guild to raid with to get it for free? Maybe scheduling issues or something. For that person, having a guaranteed spot because he did extra questing and dailies for a bit, buying a piece here and there, after a few weeks is swimming in gold from the payout. Now he's got a bankroll to buy the higher ticket items. For that player, and similar players, this system works. For everyone else, and I can't say it enough, START YOUR OWN GROUP! If everyone that cried about GDKP started their own MS>OS group, that's all there would be.
    And yes, I agree, it does make people want to buy gold, but let's be honest, they were gonna do that anyway, just for a lesser amount.

  9. GDKPs contradict everything that I love about this game. If you want to gear up your character, join a guild and make friends.

    In MoP, raids had mounts, pets and transmog, so even if your core raiders didn’t need loot, there was always a reason to come to old raids and help.

  10. The people that play these days are different. Been playing since 2005 and wrath kinda killed it for me. If it’s not unrealistic min maxing from kids parsing blue or gold bots buying and selling GDKPs, it’s just old fashion toxic behavior. Mega servers killed community.I put it down and have moved on. Wrath was my last hurrah and even that’s just not the same. Different mentality these days

  11. why would i ever farm gold when i could work in real life for an hour and buy infinitely more gold than i could ever farm. I understand game integrity but I value my time more.

  12. I’ve got a noob question. I don’t play Wow but I don’t understand why you would join a GDKP when there’s an auction house? Like if your spending gold for BIS do you save gold in a GDKP and if you do save gold in there why wouldn’t the raiders just put it in the AH?

  13. I grew up playing from vanilla thru cata, and when i came back to classic i found GDKP's distateful and pay to win (casters control the rate at which plate wearers die, and plate repairs cost more) it was definitely in favor of casters over melee. it's not so bad now that we're in WOTLK though. Gold is pretty easy to come by as any class/profession/spec now

  14. I pugged most of classic, there were a few great ones on my server that were better managed than 99% of guilds. I was very lucky to get into several.

    GDKP carrying was a great way to fund raiding with limited time.

  15. I would rather run (like I do) multiple weeks without an upgrade with the guild than keep that gold buying stupid trend of GDKPS, also if I don't get any upgrade it doesn't mean my guildies are not getting them either, so if anyone in the raid gets an upgrade it's beneficial to all. You raid with friends or friendly people. What's the point in joining pugs with X people and pay gold for your character to be full BiS in a few weeks? what then? the whole point of raiding is progression of your character and your raid clearing with people who enjoys the same as you, not buying your gear the easy way.

  16. Didn't do a single gdkp and joined a guild that does casual raiding twice a week. Gear is on a thatsmybis list, everyone's getting loot it's chill as fuck and we Crack jokes half the time. Couldn't imagine playing this game by farming gold for mind numbing hours to go drop 1k dps to buy loot with people who are LITERALLY there to profit off of you.

  17. I'm a bench player for my raiding guild so I participate in GDKP runs. I'm allowed to spend a little extra gold on BiS items from my guild's bank (like an extra 5k) if I can get a BiS trinket/weapon because I don't get to be in most of the raids but stay current for when they do need to plug holes. I love the system I have with my guild and it works out amazing because the guild has a flex player that's geared.

  18. This is the whole reason I dropped my main server, I 100% moved to new server to escape that. Hundreds of hours wasted to lvl my chars and set up professions, but gdkps ruined the entire game.

  19. Grind for hours to hit 80 fast. Grind for hours to get pre-raid BiS before first raid release. Save enough gold to afford consumables for every encounter. Finally enter the raid with your guild only to find out your guild mates did not bother with gear let alone consumes. When the important pieces of gear begin dropping and they go to the players who put minimal effort in the prep, you begin noticing the flaws of doing casual raiding. Unless you're in a top end guild with excellent leadership, casual raiding is pointless. I picked up a grim toll for 1,800g in a GDKP. No drama or worrying about it going to a Ret. Why settle for green and blue parses in a casual guild when you can be getting a reward from it?

    Unfortunately looks like GDKPs are the future for casual raiding. The gold you make offsets the gold you're not making being a dad gamer with a life so it balances itself out. You're also not going to parse in a GDKP so why bother joining an actual casual guild?

  20. That's because Classic DOESN'T require any gear progression, teamwork, or community. It's so easy that blind people without arms can one-shot the content. What's left in a game like that except GDKP runs? Nothing.

  21. I haven’t been able to play wow for a while now since Uni and a child. But I love watching your videos and get that feeling I used to have with all my friends exploring wow and just having fun. Enjoy the Azeroth for me!


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