How Iran Became a Theocracy | Glenn Loury & Reza Aslan | The Glenn Show

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10 thoughts on “How Iran Became a Theocracy | Glenn Loury & Reza Aslan | The Glenn Show”

  1. This idea that Islamic states are a new thing is such nonsense that I don’t know how anyone can say it with a straight face.

    The Prophet himself dictated and enacted the Constitution of Medina which is distinctly Islamic in nature.

  2. Engrossing discussion. But there is an error about American Christianity at about 3m.

    True that many especially Darby thinkers believe in an eminate Rapture. But this is tempered by our inability to leverage God. We can see the times and prepare. But our actions have no effect on God's designs.

    Being closest to the Pietist tradition myself? A sound case for Rapture theology can be made. Even so I myself would plant a tree like Luther. But our Baptists are not putting on white robes and waiting on mountain tops as the Adventists once did.

    (Even heart or enthusiastic Baptist Americans have common sense. So learn from our experience. Sorry, Glenn's devil made MadWho do it:). So this is not common in the American church today.

    While the Shia 12vers believe it is their duty to get the world remade in fire and blood rolling.
    A better analogy would be the Quitests of Saudi Arabia. Mecca Muslims strive to be virtuous and generous as the story unfolds.

    Funny how strong the drive to publically declare one degree of social separation or civic philosophy is. The reality as Glenn Beck states often is the inverse. Shia 12vers really do have a negative reflection of the American Rapture. 180 degrees.

  3. There is only one logical conclusion to any religion: totalitarianism. It is their way or nothing. If it weren't for the enlightenment, leading ultimately to the reformation, something Islam desperately needs, Christians would still be burning witches, stoning gays and murdering nonbelievers.


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