How do you plan for 46 million people?

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Delhi is poised to be the biggest urban area on the planet. What challenges does it face, and how will it face them?

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Resource on this topic:
A Sense of Space: The Crisis of Urban Design in India by Ranjit Sabikhi

Counter Magnet program: magnet areas.pdf

Air Quality:

Urban Villages program:

Haus Khas Village:


42 thoughts on “How do you plan for 46 million people?”

  1. INC (Indian National Congress) messed up the capital city's development since 1947 until BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) flipped the entire political spectrum of the subcontinent, only to end up cleaning the mess left behind by decades of corruption and mismanagement!

  2. The people who are talking about population control need to know that India's TFR is at 1.9 now. If you look at Urban centers almost all cities around the world are overcrowded such as London, Tokyo and NY and LA. But , if you go out of the urban centers and take a look at the rural areas, you will all find that there are less people there. The situation is so bad that many villages and small towns are expected to become GHOST cities by the end of the decade.

  3. In India every data is a paradox. Delhi being the capital of India encapsulates it and is the biggest paradox of all. Everyone is living their own life with so much difference that a single theory doesnยดt apply to the city or country. Case in point. People may think how do you live in such congestion. I as lot of people commented here live in Delhi NCR region. Anyone who wants to rent in my planned neighbourhood needs to just pay 250 Euros/month rent for a 3 room 2000 sqft space. We have 3 parks for 1000 odd residents. It is not highrise but residential apartments so very low people density. The nearest IMAX with 10 screens is 2KM drive, nearest Starbucks is 10 min drive, nearest gym, bank , salon and grocery shop is 2 min walk, nearest hospital is 4 kms, nearest bars/restaurants is 2KM drive, nearest Apple Store is 20 mins drive etc etc. Amazon and other startups delivers most products in one day or less. Got a PS5 controller delivered in 4 hours to home by Amazon. You can hire full time driver, a full time maid and a part time maid for total salary of 350 Euros/month. We have more restaurants open at 3 am to deliver food than restaurants in day time are open in small cities/towns in Europe. Now compare this to Western Europe. I earned over 6 digits in Europe and anyone who has lived in Europe knows that it is easily top 10%le income. Last data from Germany that I read says the income is top 3% income for single people. I paid 1300 Euros/month for a small 60 square meter apartment. After paying for rent, utilities, high taxes, health insurance, pension etc not a lot was actually left. I had to travel long distances on public transport and ate inside a lot more. People in Delhi can live in relative luxury doing take out 5 times a week, going out once a week, getting chauffeured/Uber everywhere, getting meals prepared for you at home, getting laundry and cleaning done and living in relatively huge spaces which would cost a bomb in Europe. To fuel this lifestyle in Delhi maybe costs 1300 Euros/month which is increasing becoming very achievable salary for college educated in India. What would it cost to do same lifestyle in Western or even Eastern Europe? This is a more common lifestyle here than many may think is possible. So don't start pitying on us still yet.

  4. I can not like India, they do everything so stupidly stupid, just like my home country ๐Ÿ™‚ that's why you see a lot of Indians overseas. India reminds me of my country and I hate it.

  5. Unfortunately, India and Delhi is too complex to be explained in 10 minutes. It makes data nerds like me feel completely crazy. India as a country are multiple stories rolled into one. One day you read about economy in danger and the other day-fastest growing economy in the world. One day you read about Indiaยดs poor infrastructure and other day- Fastest growing road network in world (30KM/day being built) with 1 Trillion US Dollar investment in infrastructure in next 3-5 years alone. One day you read about lack of innovation of Indian companies and other day-More than 100 unicorn startups created in India just behind US and China. India is primarily a cash economy but does more digital real time payments than US and China combined. (2nd and 3rd). India has poor Internet infrastructure but Indians consume more mobile data/capita than almost entire world. India has more than 25 official regional local languages but second highest English speaking population in the world. India is primarily an informal economy but from formal economy alone has worldยดs 6th biggest stock market by capitalisation (more than 3 trillion dollar) and stock market that has grown by 50X in last 30 years. India is low tech agricultural based economy but also high tech service based economy. One day India is thought to be next superpower (after US and China) and next day being compared to sub Saharan Africa. Crazy thing is both these Indias are true and both narratives are genuinely trying to be honest and probably correct in their narrow analysis. So donยดt think you understood Delhi or India from a 10 minute video. It is just too diverse, too complex, too irrational, too crazy to get a sense of. It is like doing PHD. More you read and research about it, more you feel you know less about it than when you started. Best way I like to analyze India is macroeconomically or from 30 feet view (as it removes bias from analysis or any inputs that may have been missed). Delhi NCR is currently a 270 billion dollar economy (670 billion $ PPP) which is on course to become a trillion dollar economy in next 15-20 years (grown comfortably at 8% annually and grown more than 50% in last 5-6 years which includes 2 years of COVID). In 15-20 years in PPP, Delhi-NCR may standalone become a bigger economy than most of the countries in world. Delhi may just do fine. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. super amazing video and infos i got!! i do hope you put subtitle as not many people can catch up what were you saying. the auto generated one did a good job but still it made me confuse with some words that sound the same.

  7. You Don't plan… YOU NEED sub cities and by pass roads.
    Simple don't move to Delhi.
    Your Food costs and transportation costs is not worth it…
    Indian government did the right thing sub Cities are best ….
    Leave Delhi for outskirts of Delhi NCR.
    Good for health and economy. No one likes commuting

  8. I grew up in NYC. Not a small town but is no more than a village compared to Delhi and other mega-cities. I visited Mumbai a few years ago, the traffic jams and roads were shocking and I was amazed that any of the infrastructure actually worked at all. I suppose that if there is a will there is a way.

  9. one of the main reason is delhi's educational institutes pretty much the best colleges in india are all under delhi university they need to encourage spreading it. Mumbai, Banglalore and delhi are time bombs since so many people keep pouring into them

  10. They'll need to build fast, and tall, very tall. Urbanisation needs to be a priority otherwise social anarchy will ensue due to a rise in public tensions, stress on public services and outdated infrastructure. These issues and more will be utilised by the likes of the BJP to create religious and social divisions based on caste and religion. I hope people vote out the BJP so India can unite and prosper.


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