Full Snow Moon in Virgo

The typical relationship of Virgo and Pisces would be a push pull between managing, analyzing and controlling every aspect, vs faith, flow and trusting chaos. It’s not an easy dynamic to resolve is it? We have a stronger pull toward the Pisces side, but it’s in the 12th house of the hidden and unconscious (so this go with the flow is ALSO very unconscious) We might see some great dreams and insomnia going on with this house so activated. On the other hand, the Virgo Moon is well supported by Jupiter in Taurus – focusing on the down to earth and practical side of life. Separate from that is another whole interaction going on with Pluto, Mars and Venus in Aquarius – opposing that Jupiter. The forces of progress and innovation, the desire for revolutionary new thinking and approaches is going head to head with the security conscious Jupiter in Taurus. It’s really an internal energy this Full Moon. You may be introspecting and resting more, or restless and having dreams. It’s not an obvious or coherent energy.

The messages for your sign on the other hand, were like a lightning bolt this time!

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PERSONAL READINGS : [email protected]

Tarot for the Full Moon: 27:00
Readings for your sign: 35:20
Aries: 36:29
Taurus: 37:24
Gemini: 38:42
Cancer: 40:02
Leo: 42:17
Virgo: 43:52
Libra: 45:00
Scorpio: 45:57
Sagittarius: 47:45
Capricorn: 49:05
Aquarius: 50:33
Pisces: 51:49


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