HOW DARE These Celebrities Say That! | Gag Of The Millennial Ep.27 | Roly & Luxeria

HOW DARE These Celebrities Say That! From Andrew Tate’s lockup being extended and self-snitching, Loose Woman’s “goth babby” debate drumming up hate towards the alt community & J.K. Rowling radicalizing gender critical feminists to the UK government blocking Scotlands GRC Law, Raise of Adult AI Images & the fallout to MTV taking over RuPaul’s Drag Race and cutting it down to insert a terrible gay tv show “The Real Friends Of Weho” We talk the most shocking moments of 2023 so far! welcome to Gag Of The Millennial where Luxeria & I discuss Hot Topics, Spill Some Tea and chat about everything that makes Millennials GAG! Available as audio on Spotify & iTunes!
0:01 Intro
1:00 Goth Baby Debate
8:54 Andrew Tate Updates
18:15 UK Government Blocking The GRC
26:01 J.K. Rowling Affect
37:27 George Santos Drag Fallout
41:52 Deepfake Video Scandal
47:53 The Real Friends Of Weho Drama
55:17 Netflix Password Sharing
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37 thoughts on “HOW DARE These Celebrities Say That! | Gag Of The Millennial Ep.27 | Roly & Luxeria”

  1. If people don’t believe that the LGBTQ+ community can’t be shoved back in the closet, just look at what just happen in the US to Roe vs. Wade. 50 years of abortion laws overturned, and overturned illegally in my opinion.

  2. You can blame my country (US) for all of the nastiness surrounding LGBTQ people/Trans people. Our idiot republicans have no good actual political policies to try and advance our country, so they have started obsessing over these social issues to rope in their idiotic backwards supporters, and they actually just started accusing drag queens, etc, of grooming and being pedofiles because there was ONE video of a drag queen brunch where the drag queens were being slightly blue in actions and joking, with children present, and the conservatives LOST THEIR MINDS. That, and a couple of other things that had been on social media or written about in right wing circles, is what started this witch hunt against drag queens / LGBTQ people. Also, many hyper christian conservatives are starting to actually try and turn this country into a theocracy!! Next will be actual witch hunts against pagans and LGBTQ people.They have lost their minds, and it is like living in an alternate reality here. Terrifying!

  3. The blocking by the English court just goes to show that Scotland and its people are still seen as under the authority of Westminster, despite having our own devolved laws. I am sad for my trans siblings. Everyone deserves the right to identify as their true selves. All these terfy groups saying "but this gives men access to women's spaces" – fuck up. Women would have access to women's spaces. If your feminism isn't intersectional and inclusive, get out of my face. End of conversation.

  4. Also the satanic baby stuff – i laughed so hard! It's so Culdesac Karen 🤣 how is it any different from wee babies having barbies thrust upon them and their rooms painted shocking pink? AHAHAH omg Roly just said that statement as I typed that omg. Exact.

  5. I’m so shocked to hear women who were teens in the 80’s talking like this about people for how they choose to dress!?! In the U.S. there was a group of teen boys, referred to as The West Memphis Three, wrongfully convicted of the murder of two little boys because they were goths in a small town in early 90’s. This Satanic Panic idea is dangerous and so silly! Just because you find a particular style appealing says nothing about your capacity for evil.❤ Andrew Tate has brainwashed a generation of future incels! I’ll be curious to see what happens with the rates of DV and SA as these boys become men. I seriously think that Andrew Tate is the way he is in part in response to being the ugly brother. He has an overbite, a receding hairline and a speech impediment, and his brother is much better looking. I think he has probably been eaten alive by envy his entire life, and girls didn’t/don’t like him so he hates them all. (Also this video?!) I’m shocked also to hear that in “the land of the free” there is talk of BANNING trans health care?!?!? What happened to Human Rights? Civil rights? There’s no balanced view. It’s either top surgery for adolescents on one hand and outright banning any gender affirming care on the other! BOTH are too extreme. OMG now you’re talking about plastic surgery…look at these people who are changing themselves into BARBIES or CATS and that’s ok, but trans people are dangerous?!? F*ck, edit #6: Trans woman are murdered at a much higher rate that men or cis women, and TERFs stirring up hate for trans women are on the wrong side. Quoting Hitler just proves the point. Oh holy mackerel, edit #7; cutting down their most anticipated and successful new property to accommodate The Real Friends is such a bad move, and casting Todrick Hall is either utterly tone deaf, or hoping to capitalize on scandal. Maybe he’s the character we’re supposed to love to hate? I don’t think they’ll get a third season, if they get a second. ❤️Thank you so much for a very interesting and engaging discussion. I love you both individually, together it’s like hanging out with my cool friends!❤ What a range of topics!

  6. Listening to you two is calming. Like voices of common sense soothing my horror at the world right now. Also, as a mother of two sons (they are still very little) I am very proactive about teaching them respect for others 👏🏼

  7. It is really horrible that this is happening, and that it's making so many people feel unsafe. I am so sorry. I hope that these religious radicals get raked over the coals for this bulls**t and that we can stop this slippery slope before we regress right back to the Inquisition. :/

  8. Being 100% honest: Parents are going to force their lifestyle on their children either directly or indirectly. That's kinda part of it. as a parent, you buy their clothes and pick out their toys way before they have any concept of style or their own personality. And 10/10 these things that you pick for them follow your personal style and what you think is right for said child. When they start to branch out from your style is when you should start encouraging them to be their own person.

    It's just hilarious to me that it's a problem when the lifestyle is Gothic or Alt and not something mainstream. Religious people literally force their opinions and lifestyle on their kids, too, but we have nothing to say on that? If they are raising their kids well and taking care of them, why does it matter?

  9. My biggest concern is people like Amy (or Andrew) Miller and whats-his-face-scumbag Byrson in Scotland. I cant find any neutral articles discussing either of them, so even if the article contains actual facts, I can't get past the slurs and misinformation to find it. Surely those situations are going to just pour fuel on the terf-fire raging through our politics. I feel like we've gone back five years in progress.

  10. Ummm it’s a BABY!!! I love live looove goth baby and the aesthetic so bloody gorgeous- seriously so sickening that it’s literally got to be pastels pink blues and yellows – la vomeeet!!!! NOBODY thought VICTORIANA is/was satanic?! (Wednesday aesthetics btw xx❤x) AND YES I HAVE 2 very well developed children

  11. I hate being in America so bad I’m so worried for women’s rights, lgbt rights, it feels like we’re moving backwards. I fear so much for my trans friends. It breaks my heart, I don’t understand the hate. Someone changing their gender shouldn’t be a big deal I don’t understand it in the slightest.

  12. sound clip of Luxeria saying 'mummy's got breasts'

    Forever will be cursing that we can't have a trans secondary sexual characteristics bank. My trans man self has some honkin bazongas that could probably help multiple trans women.

    So happy for Luxeria to be continuing her journey, so happy to see Roly covered in ink, so happy to see you two together saying a bunch of stuff I agree with.

  13. loose women rarely, rarely have decent opinions, because of the very limited age range that's shown, stacey soloman probably has the best track record for me on opinions but anyways, its shocking how they get away with saying some of the stuff they say

  14. I had to get a vpn to watch drag race cuz I didn’t have mtv, but its actually better……no commercials 😁
    I miss the original Logo channel. The last time I had it, it was all reruns of Will and Grace and older tv shows.

  15. IM AMERICAN and now that I have your attention. There are times that I feel as though SOME cheerleading performances at pep rallies or games are more suggestive than SOME drag shows.

  16. Hello love(s)!! I always love watching your podcast and videos, whether you're both in it or your individual channels. I love falling asleep to the audio <3. You both are very calming and soothing, trot along!!!

  17. Roly ya look great! I learned about you thru Luxuria, and I love your humor and you're so intelligent. I truly appreciate you!

    Luxuria wow! I watched you for some time and I have learned that you are such a lovely person, who has taught me a lot! You've always been so beautiful on the outside too. Its so cool to see you and your journey. You and Roly are amazing! Thank you for what you do🤗

  18. I've been saying how ridiculously long January felt and hearing you both lay out the chaos from the month honestly just feels like proof that it was long. Also love how the Treehouse of Horror sleeve is coming along so far Roly

  19. I grew up with goth parents.

    Our house was decorated with dark wood, black, red, and purple. The walls weren't painted black but we had gothic art with skeletons and dragons and unicorns hung on the walls. We listened to goth and metal music. It never hurt me to live like that.

    My room was pink and I had barbies and Winnie the Poo and what you'd expect from a kid just like Reby said she'll do for gothic baby when she's older and decides what she wants. I liked pink and lilac and all that stuff but I also loved all the gothic stuff too. Rob Zombie was my favourite music as a kid, Little Vampire and later Beetlegueue were my favorite films.

    I was a happy kid and I love how I grew up around alternative stuff and people

  20. You would really hope politicians have bigger fish to fry that the gays dressing in drag and trans people. It is really pathetic. Sort out organised crime, climate change based natural disasters. Stop worrying about us.


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