How Colleen Ballinger DESTROYED Her Career…

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Colleen Ballinger was once a beloved YouTuber, who recently fell from grace after allegations and a ukelele apology that did anything but recover her reputation… because the allegations mounting against Colleen Ballinger are some of the most serious and concerning that an online influencer has ever faced. So let’s discuss the allegations and responses that destroyed Colleen Ballinger’s career…


0:00 Intro
6:16 Synopsis
11:24 Rise to Fame
22:53 Colleen’s Career
26:40 Colleen’s Controversy
1:09:22 Things Get Worse
1:24:15 Cancer Charity
1:34:40 Aftermath
1:38:19 Apology?
1:44:08 Conclusion

INSTAGRAM: @cruelworldhappymind


40 thoughts on “How Colleen Ballinger DESTROYED Her Career…”

  1. How are people still supporting this nutter?? by the end, when you showed a picture or video of her I could not even look her in the eye. What a scary ass woman.

  2. I never heard of any of the people who you dismantle…Your videos are still interesting to me…Also..I heard if you purchase a certain amount of your own book…you can buy the title of "Best Seller".

  3. This is a small detail, but I appreciate how you use nice pictures of people in your thumbnails. I notice so many other commentary channels who use unflattering photos and it feels like a cheap shot when there are legitimate things to criticize a person for.

  4. Good video, but the editing really isn't it here. A lot of time, you repeat what has literally just been said in an interview or earlier in the video, and it make seem like you are trying to "pad" the video and the run time.

  5. Collecting donations and then writing them off is what every company with a charity does. Any business that asks you to round up for children's hospitals or something is deducting your donation. I imagine they typically do get put through to the charity, but still.

  6. I looked her alter ego up many years ago, but the content didn't interest me. I guess it was because I was way out of her targeted age range, being only two years apart from her. I can't claim that "I always knew" this about her, but hearing about it doesn't surprise me at all to be honest.. which is kind of disturbing.

  7. I'm seeing everything in a different light obviously since everything that's come out but I actually really liked Haters Back Off lol. It's very surreal and has such a specific mood and tone that I haven't seen in any other show. I thought it was very underrated.

  8. hard agree on the groupchats that contain inappropriate topics point. i feel like the first thing id do is check everyone 's age. like on reflex. i cant imagine not doing so unless i knew already

  9. I really didn’t follow her at all aside from maybe some random clips of her in the beginning, Miranda is exhausting and not even that funny esp because of where the inspo for the character comes from, this really highlights how biased the public views certain acts depending on the gender of the person committing them. Seeing all of it laid out like this is insane she’s such a danger.

  10. I stopped watching around the halfway point, don't know if I'll come back, but I do wanna say that this is a great, well-informed video. I learned a lot. Thank you!

  11. “predator” can encapsulate so much more than just s*xual predation. if you prey on someone to manipulate a self serving outcome at someone else’s. expense and well being, you are a predator. full stop.

    well wishes to the kids that dealt with and are dealing with this. you’re more than what has been done to you, it will never define you and you’re not alone. Stay safe out there everyone

  12. Couldn’t even watch the clips of her onstage with the kids. Horrifying. Colleen and people like her belong in jail. Her child’s dad needs to have custody of the kids and Colleen have supervised visitation. I wouldn’t trust her with my niece or nephew.

  13. You forgot to mention when she made little boys eat cheez balls out of her pants in front of a live large audience and then tweeted that they were eating her genital warts 😷

  14. It’s crazy how many 2010s YouTubers i made the choice to stop watching because their content was getting so weird and off-puttingly sexual and now all this stuff comes out about all of them

  15. I’ve been holding off from learning about this for you to explain it because you genuinely do such a good job. Thank you for making these videos, you gem!

  16. Gotta say your take at 37:00 in is very unrealistic, sounds a lot like victim blaming, and definitely prevents people from coming forward no matter how much you slap “I really appreciate you coming forward” at the end of you shaming them for not asking each person in a 100 person discord server for their age. Poor take.

  17. Gotta say your take at 37:00 in is very unrealistic, sounds a lot like victim blaming, and definitely prevents people from coming forward no matter how much you slap “I really appreciate you coming forward” at the end of you shaming them for not asking each person in a 100 person discord server for their age.

  18. 38:46 Considering the entire Miranda Sings character was made to mock Colleen's classmates and random people on Youtube I can't say I'm surprised that she encouraged bullying and harassment against anyone she took the slightest issue with.


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