How can we survive on Mars | How is the life on Mars | when will we go to Mars | Infortainy

How can we survive on Mars | How is the life on Mars | when will we go to Mars | Infortainy

About the video:
Ever since humans started using fossil fuels, the earth’s temperature has been increasing. And there will come a time when this temperature will be so high that it will not be possible for any living thing to live on earth. According to a survey, this pollution has also started destroying the ozone layer of our earth. which prevents dangerous radiations from the sun from reaching the earth. If this global warming continues like this, one day our earth will become uninhabitable. That’s why scientists are already working on building a human civilization on Mars.

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What are the challenges that humans will have to face to survive on the red planet i.e. Mars? In today’s video we will talk about the same. So let’s begin.

Challenge NO 1… Flight
Mars is 120 million kilometers from our Earth. This distance is so much that if we were to sit in the fastest space vehicle ever built and go to Mars, it would take us seven months to reach there. Yes. And to travel that far, a space rocket would need a lot of fuel inside. This will not only increase the weight of the rocket but also reduce the speed many times. That’s why NASA and space x are working on building a starship that will operate on the batteries used in Tesla. That means it will use less fuel. The batteries will also be charged by solar energy when required. And finally humans will reach the red planet.

Challenge NO 2… twenty
According to a research, every 2 or 3 months Mars has huge sand storms. And these storms are so dangerous that they even lift large stones in their path up to several meters in the air. And if the astronauts went to Mars in this condition, their death is one hundred percent confirmed. To avoid this, it is necessary to build base units on Mars first. According to Elon Musk, these base units will be built by robots on Mars. Robots will be sent to Mars before humans. These robots will first collect a special type of soil on Mars and then start making the base units using 3D printers. This process will continue for several months. And when the shelters will be completed. So for the first time a group of humans will land on Mars. Whom the robots will welcome and take their goods to the base unit.

Challenge NO 3… food
Once there, that group of humans will build more base units with the help of frozen ice on Mars. Because the temperature of Mars remains up to -70 degrees, these base units made of ice will be as strong as concrete. The original concrete-built units will house humans and the ice-built units will house greenhouse processes. Means, efforts will be made to grow vegetables and plants etc. According to a research, initially only potatoes will be able to be grown on Mars. As those plants will grow. Oxygen will also come out of them. But this oxygen will not be high enough for the people living there to breathe. Therefore, plants to produce oxygen from carbon dioxide will be installed as soon as possible. This process will continue like this. And gradually, an attempt will be made to reduce the temperature of Mars. Scientists believe that if we reduce the temperature of Mars in some way and start producing natural oxygen by planting trees etc., then after a few hundred years, Mars will also be green like Earth.
But all this is still just an illusion. We have to save our dear land by planting lots of trees. So that there is no need to go to Mars. So plant a plant in your home today. Even if it is in a small pot.
Thank you very much for watching the video till here and next great video

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