Ukraine Russia conflict: Russian soldiers’ bodies ‘piling up’ in Ukraine

Warning: This report contains distressing images.

While Europe rushes to shore up its defences and maintain a united front against Russia, in Ukraine the long weeks of conflict show no sign of coming to an end.


In the towns and villages around the capital Kyiv, where Russian troops committed some of the worst atrocities in this war, bodies are still being found.

As Ukrainians come to identify their loved ones, the government is also collecting the remains of Russian soldiers killed in the fighting.

But – unclaimed by the Russians – these bodies are now piling up in refrigerated containers in Kyiv.
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38 thoughts on “Ukraine Russia conflict: Russian soldiers’ bodies ‘piling up’ in Ukraine”

  1. Russia calls Ukrainians in human! The humans are the beautiful Ukrainians! I support Ukraine and I will always only vote for those who help these people. Russia must be stopped.

  2. In my smal republic 12 dead soldiers arrived in 3 month…that's real digits..everyone know everything…population of my republic 1/185 of Russia…you can count


    _It is an area of ​​torture and execution of Russian soldiers who surrendered in good health. You will see several soldiers, some seriously injured, piled on top of each other in a vacant lot, which is obviously not a combat zone. Despite their injuries, there is no evidence that they were brought in injured. This is obviously a torture zone. The small van has probably made several round trips, it's nauseating. (+18)

    I only put the title, because now they use filters to make the comment unreadable.

    18+. Ukrainian nazists. Les nazis ukrainiens. Nazisti ucraini. Ukraińscy naziści.

  4. the ukranians have already buried 21.000 and these 3000 on 2 trains ( Belarus + Kherson ) is what is left – the 3046 in Izyum are already buried as the 1135 in Karkhiv area.The next tombstone will be in Donbas.
    The russians have been loosing 315 men everyday since the war started + a similar amount of wounded………keep on counting

  5. Yep, and the Ghost of keiv killed them all. Reality check (Russian and allied losses, 2000 Kia and Mia, Ukrainian losses 40,000 to 45,000 irretrievable Kia and Mia). The western media is lying, in reality up to 300 to 500 Ukrainian solders are dying everyday in Ukrainian, and Russia is advancing ever so rapidly.

  6. This is obviously a one-sided story. Don't forget the thousands bodies of Ukrainians who turned into dust by the bombs of Russian. They could not be found in any picture of the western media. Not because they don't want to show us. It is just because they can show you the dust.

  7. i hope all governments remember this when you send someone into a war or any conflict it is our sons and daughters you are killing a medal for valour is nice a fancy military funeral is nice but cannot replace a lost loved one

  8. Putin the great is under care in his bunker but Russia with huge amounts of money can buried their sons in Russia like they suppose, because Putin the great is using thier Russia money for this invation war in Ukraine…

  9. My original comment a month ago was censored says alot the our media and freedom a speech 🤣 I was correct tho Ukraine losing and most you believe the propaganda 🤦‍♂️

  10. How's that propaganda working for you nazi supporters? ukrops are getting slaughtered 1000/day… over 50k ukrainian nazi soldiers dead, with Russia only suffering 5k at most during the entire war… Keep hanging on to your propaganda, we'll talk again in a few months, when you can't afford to heat your houses, and start piling up corpses in uk and germany from freezing.

  11. They really do exist 🤧 damn but it's a war usa to late to play for real 😪 😔 I hate the people on usa wtf we could have posted pictures damn it we could have been them people helping cleanup up….


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