How Bayley Should Return To WWE

Adam and The Dadley Boyz discuss how Bayley should make her wrestling return…

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26 thoughts on “How Bayley Should Return To WWE”

  1. "My balls cringed into my gooch when she did that thing on the multiple screens…" dude please stop. This moment was fucking hilarious and made the Hell in a Cell match with Bianca even better. Chill out a bit man.

  2. Bayley is surprise entry in the men's royal rumble.

    She fucking wins.
    Roman v Bayley at wm
    Bayley wins??????
    Crowd goes wild
    She's crying confetti the whole 9
    Theory runs in and clocks her shit with the case bust her open the hard way.
    1,2,3 theory is the undisputed champion and the worst fucking person on earth.

  3. One of the few returns I don't want to miss. American here, but I really hope when she does return, it happens over there in the UK. She is so over in the UK, you guys deserve it for the support you have for her. As long as she's healthy, I can wait until the times right.

  4. Push Shayna Bazler as the super heel that she can & should be in the women's division. She can feud with any of the babyfaces & would be great as an opposing opponent for a babyface Bayley.

  5. I want Bailey to dip too. Imagine Trin Fatu and Mercedes Vernado rolling through like a couple of ‘outsiders’ and full on heels then Davina Rose can slide through and that’s it that’s the stable for now but Davina Rose isn’t the hogan just because she’s the third women.. they start teasing a 4th member and as everyone waits for charlotte to join here comes Aj instead and although the four of them don’t need a mouth piece they’re manager Renee Moxley eventually joins but that’s it. Stick with those five members and keep it small and don’t go full nWo.

  6. It’s obvious. Bayley is gonna be the one to take that belt from Liv. Who better to take the title from fresh off a return, Liv’s not established and they could make an entire storyline out of it similar to the Bianca/Becky Summerslam debacle


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