This just in: We don't know what UFOs are

UFOs are real, and the government is aware. But that doesn’t mean we know what they are and that they are signs of alien technology. Read more: Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube:

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41 thoughts on “This just in: We don't know what UFOs are”

  1. Stop joking around and take this more serious. This is huge. There is another more advanced non human civilization here sharing this planet with us and we see them daily, humanity has been seeing them on a regular basis for an extremely long time but our small minds and egos just keep blowing it off and making foolish jokes. The joke is on us. They are here and they are way smarter and capable than us. We are extremely lucky they haven’t done us harm. Hopefully it stays that way.

  2. Govt knows all in secret , its nothing unidentified , much have been identified they just don't share with general public or other nations so they can capitalize the technology they discovered by knowing it and don't have to share with other country or rivals and hold their dominance in economy technology , weaponry . If they ever meant to harm us they would have done it several times being such highly advance coming from different galaxies or planets we are still primitive Infront of them , irony is general public in large believe in mythology but make et topic as an absurd joke , if there would be no wikileaks no one would ever know the spending of millions by pentagon on et ufo since decades and the only reason now that pentagon has to release 2 or 3 stupid unclear videos to calm the taxpayers . There is much more beyond our comprehension is going out in cosmos which much of secret agency know , just keep researching .

  3. Its demonic and ur right they are real really open ur eyes and see whats about to happen stop being afraid and open ur bible read revelation then it will all make sense the government calls demons aliens why would they want to tell u the truth

  4. This video is at the unbelievably beginner level relative to this subject. We don't want disclosure from a Govt that lies to us 101% of the time. Stephen Greer has already given the world population adequate disclosure. Black Projects can just keep their "version" of "disclosure" using disinformationists such as Tyson and others who have been recruited to convince us all that it's just all Swamp Gas. The Govt is a joke and their funded black projects' Public Relations is a joke. We have our disclosure and the Govt can just go jump in the toxic lake of their own lies and dissolve ! ! ! The public world wide has moved on to developing our own field propulsion crafts and have effectively left the Govt and their skunk works out of the equation. Soon the public's tech engineering will surpass the Govt's and fly WAY past them because again, they are a joke … .. ..

    P.S. No wonder why this was a disinformation video, its the Washington Post. YIKES !!!

  5. The idea of ET's coming down to earth and either wiping us out or enslaving us is ludicrous. If they exist they've come hundreds of trillions of miles to what? Harvest anus's ?! And the idea of pouring more trillions of tax revenue to defend or planet against a civilization with technology thousands or even millions of years in advance of our own is a fools errand.d

  6. DeLonge really effs my head up with the “ We don’t think they are coming from other planets” which is the least desirable explanation and I’ll tell you why .. interstellar, Intergalactic, even Interuniversal travelers is 1000% less terrifying than some Inter-dimensional series or creatures that are blocking our true conciseness as they gain sustenance sapping off our energy and thriving on our fear .. or something like that .. DeLonge’s words but mine. I can only hop that that scenario is impossible.

  7. I don't know why I am asking this here. I believe someone would come with an explanation for this. Well it's an off topic. I was hearing a song in my Bluetooth ear buds just an hour ago i suddenly heard a man's voice saying 'WE FIGHT'. like, what was that. It's not even in the song. Is someone hacking the earbuds or what. Has anyone got anything to say about this :/

  8. Of course UFO's are real, but they're NOT aliens from outer space.
    If space aliens were indeed visiting the earth, why are they all hiding behind blurry fuzzy images and videos? Because they're not real.

  9. Unidentified flying objects…
    We don't know what they are?
    Obviously, it's in the name 😂 unidentified means we don't know what it is

    How dumb do they think people are?
    Must be talking to woke people I guess 😂

  10. Don't be deceived this stuff is biblical. When a large amount of people disappears don't be deceived with everyone else saying it was aliens it is demonic and they will come down to earth to proclaim to be God, your new god. Most atheist will worship them. 🙁

  11. If we ever figure out what these things are, I'm sure Tyson will have contributed nothing to the endeavor.
    Cautiously skeptical and closed minded are two very different things, Tyson is the latter.

  12. I've seen anti gravity and partial invisibility cloaking with my own eyes. A huge triangle of lights hovering silently right above me. Plus there is 75 years of corroborating testimony plus radar evidence of craft making hypersonic right angle turns displaying anti inertia technology. All of pheonix saw a mile long craft in the sky including the governor and in the 50s the whole city of DC saw a formation of atleast 9 craft hover above the capitol


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