How Awesome Is Billy Gunn?

AEW Superstar and WWE Hall of Famer Billy Gunn talks about working with the Gunn Club and The Acclaimed, how his nickname “Daddy Ass” started, the “Scissor me daddy” chants and much more!
#aew #wrestling #billygunn
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21 thoughts on “How Awesome Is Billy Gunn?”

  1. When I was over 300 pounds and couldn’t stick to anything, I met Billy and asked him what he does to look like he does (and this was like 8-9 years ago or so) and he said “it’s a lifestyle”. No do this diet or that kinda workout, just as simple as “it’s a lifestyle”. At one point I was down to 210-215lbs. Still close to that but a little heavier now, but I’ll get back to that again by making fitness and diet a lifestyle

  2. I'll be honest. I didnt know much about him in the DX days, nor did I really care for him, likely because I didnt know anything about him as a person, they really under played his humor and abilities.

    But in AEW, he's honestly one of my favorites and I'm SOOOOO happy he's teamed up with the Acclaimed, one of my favorite tag teams ever. He looks AMAZING for his age too.

    It's a shame he isn't booked more and booked to win more, especially while Jericho looks only half as good as Billy does, and honesty is getting annoying with the JAS shit. Billy is 10x as entertaining, more agile, stronger, and I'd say the crowd is behind him more too.

    Monty, I love you brother #nohomo 😂

  3. Also, the scissoring is THE BEST thing to happen in wrestling. Shits more iconic than the DX suck it thing. Wayy more over!

    Hell, my 8yr old son and his friends do the scissor now instead of a handshake or high five lol that, and the Dark Order hand thing is how he waves bye to me when he gets on the school bus. I LOVE it lol


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