How Apple Revolutionized Ads Forever

Apple revolutionized commercials forever with their iconic Superbowl ad called “1984”, but why was it so iconic? People still talk about the commercial to this day, but nothing seemed to really stand out from it… right?

Today, I’m deep-diving into the entire story of Apple’s 1984 commercial and uncovering how Steve Jobs, and his advertising buddy Lee Clow, were able to take down a technology monopoly all while changing Superbowl commercials forever.

Check out some more videos of mine!

How Marlboro Became the #1 Cigarette Brand

How “The Most Interesting Man In The World” Saved Dos Equis

The Shocking Story Of Nike “Just Do It”


Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed the video, feel free to like and subscribe! I appreciate it more than you think ♥


13 thoughts on “How Apple Revolutionized Ads Forever”

  1. Hello everyone!! Hopefully you guys enjoy my new video, and sorry for the wait haha. I wanted to say two things:

    1) First, THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR THE LOVE! This channel has been doing amazing recently, and I couldn’t be more excited for the future. Thank you for all the nice comments you guys have left!

    2) Second, I wanted to inform everyone that I have changed my name/brand from “The Magic In Marketing” to “BC Productions” (BC are my initials). I personally like the new branding more, and it allows me to branch off into other topics/ideas in the future. However, I plan on sticking to marketing/product stories and not changing the style of my videos whatsoever. Essentially, it’s the same channel but with a new name!

    Once again, thanks for all the love recently. I can’t wait to see this community thrive! Love you guys, and be prepared for more awesome vids in the future <3

  2. Hey all these guys aren't wrong. Your videos are extremely well put together, perfectly edited to keep the viewer entertained while at the same time engaged on what your MAIN topic is. You are very talented my friend. Just started binging from the top and already on #3. These are especially informative to me as my career depends specifically on my ability to Garner business. It appears you are a business channel and for aspiring entrepreneurs and business(people) it is best to learn from previous genius. It's important to be innovative, one of jobs most valuable assets. But unless you are an inventor, as a business owner it is best to start in an already foundationally sound practice. Innovate the practice but do not change the wheel! These types of videos can give you insight on how to do that, so thank you! Keep going!


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