Houston Grandmother Assaulted In Grocery Store By White Employees Over $50 Bill | TSR Investigates

A 65-year-old Black woman near Houston, Texas thought it was her lucky day when she found 50 dollars on the floor of her local grocery store. However, she ended up being assaulted by three white employees instead. Betty Smith claims that three white store clerks at the Lindemann grocery store in Industry, Texas detained and assaulted her after she found 50 dollars on the floor of the store. Money they claimed belonged to a friend of the store clerk that had been in the store minutes before. What started as a small disagreement ultimately ended in Smith’s assault and the arrest of her granddaughter, Dezteni Cyrus who arrived on the scene in an attempt to de-escalate the situation. The store’s employees have since been fired and the Austin County District Attorney’s Office has declined to file charges on either side. However, Smith’s family is seeking justice and believes the three store employees should be charged for violating Smith’s human and civil rights. Could this have been the result of racial discrimination by the employees? Should there be serious consequences for their actions? The Shade Room investigates…

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44 thoughts on “Houston Grandmother Assaulted In Grocery Store By White Employees Over $50 Bill | TSR Investigates”

  1. Wish I could have been there, I'd have b** slapped those white trash girls & beat the breaks off that dude. That was somebody's grandmother and somebody's mother trying to do the right thing with fifty bucks she found, and not wanting to just give it to anybody. Then white trash hose had no intention of giving that money over to the right person they would have pocketed it themselves. They deserve to get more than just fired.

  2. Are you all blind? Grandma reaches for the girls neck before they restrain her (2:29). Just give back the money, wasn't yours in the first place. Or shut up and leave, her cart was empty anyway.

  3. The grandmother isn't innocent here with the aggressive actions. It wasn't choke hold either. After trying to ram the manager with the cart and then trying to choke her, she was restrained. While restrained she smacked the other white girl.
    I understand why the grandmother wanted to wait and give the money directly. I don't trust people with money either. Whatever was said back and forth is irrelevant, nobody had a right to get aggressive. There's blame to go around to probably all of them. As an employee you don't speak to people like that regardless of how you were spoken to. (Not saying the grandmother said anything wrong here). Let's not make this about race, it didn't appear so and we can't speculate just because. It seemed by what we watched on the video, that the grandmother got aggressive, was restrained from it and then let go. The granddaugther was arrested because when the police walked up she pushed the manager. I wish we could see the entire thing outside and see if the manager was aggressive to the granddaugther. Legally i can see the three employees having a lawsuit against the store for firing them if done so about race. It's horrible this entire thing even happened. The employees could have just called Caleb and have him return and the lady give him his money directly, and that's all she asked in the beginning. Like I said, blame to go around to everyone, the employees and the grandmother.

  4. Stop making excuses for BS, bigoted behavior. Nothing that grandmother did warranted the actions of those people. PERIOD! Those employees were fired bc they found they did EVERYTHING WRONG! Over $50. The store owner apologized & even offered to pay bail. All without being asked & trying to cover their ass. These were regular customers to the store. Not people visiting the town.

  5. The black granny was wrong because she was trying to attack the white cashier period..the other white girl were restraining her! Now, she claim to be a victim stfu

  6. It’s hard to be black in America. I’m a black female i don’t look at people or talk if i don’t have to I look straight ahead if someone smiles or says hi i do the same and just keep going. Not to mention police officers. They are usually mean looking I avoid them at all costs.

  7. All I see is a lot of y’all would’ve got dealt with if that was my grandma.. the pink shirt has an attitude already, let’s not be naive, and gramps checked her TONE..

  8. Honestly, if you find money on the floor, it’s not yours. That’s someone’s money and they can come looking for it later. If you find money, you should turn it in not try to walk out the store with it. It looks to me like she was being just as aggressive as what they were. She was mad because she couldn’t keep the money. And if y’all didn’t notice she went for that woman’s throat. I mean come on y’all can’t be that stupid to be on her side when you literally saw what happened. She thought that they wanted to keep that money, but they were telling the truth. She wanted to keep it. They literally did not beat her and she was being just as aggressive. People are so funny the black man talking about racist behavior, but yet he’s the one being racist as hell.

  9. Technically if you pick up money that doesn't belong to you its theft. She should have turned the money in and the store should have reviewed the video of the store to find the owner. What that old woman did was wrong and now she's playing victim when she started the aggression and attacks.

  10. Moral of story…don't steal someone's money just because you are older DOES NOT mean you can go around doing this stuff and being surprised at consequences

  11. I am colored but I didn't see any racism here. I see the lady bumped the manager with the trolley and tried to attack her. Sometimes we blow things out of proportion. Those ladies should be suspended possibly but not fired for upholding the store policy.

  12. This story is just disgusting I mean people really need to learn to act right that owner had no business firing the employees actively trying to protect her customers. I’d organize a boycott of that place see how long they last. 😊


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