Horror Game Where Cars Hunt Humans & They're Everywhere – Decimate Drive ( Full ) ALL ENDINGS

Decimate Drive is a horror game where cars hunt humans. Video is a playthrough of the full release of the game and has both endings.

Game Info: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2427950/Decimate_Drive/

“Honk Honk”

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40 thoughts on “Horror Game Where Cars Hunt Humans & They're Everywhere – Decimate Drive ( Full ) ALL ENDINGS”

  1. The real struggle is that the protag is as dumb as they are not getting verticality. This situation is less scary than tremors. Just get on a solid concrete structure. Dont touch flat ground. Cars dont do inclines. Plus you can totally jump on those stopped cars to try and dismantle them.

  2. Duuuuude. As someone who's favorite horror book is Christine this is so awesome. The Car, and the Christine movie are pretty neat but seeing everything unfold from the perspective of the victim is just so neat. What I like about this game is how it classically uses a everyday object in a terrifying context. Like we're literally told to watch for cars when playing outside from about as soon as we're allowed to be outside on our own. But there's also this thrill from watching cars. We have races, derbys, car shows, and all sorts of events showing off cars just to have the other side where cars hunt after people. Idk, maybe it's the cars movie and shit getting into my brain but I've always loved this particular premise.❤

  3. I'm confused by the story right off the bat; Why does your character show concern that Frank's missing in the the beginning? If he was too injured to attack your character after the crash, then he's too injured to go after José.

    and WHAT DOES this story have to do with the MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE CARS??? I know that the police car is like a representation of the cop that saves you in the no vengeance ending, but what's with the blood ambulance? and the candy van? and the lambo that rockets into walls?

  4. Cars would make remarkably effective villains. There's really very little you can do to 'defeat' a car given how fast they move, how armored they are, and how wheels are very good in most terrain.

  5. This is a very great and unique game but they just ruined it when they have two vehicles chase at the same time it just doesn't feel realistic enough it just seems ridiculous like they keep bumping to each other and all trying to capture you like can like one of them just step aside and just let one do it while the other one comes out of their trucks try to chase you down with a bat or something!

  6. Dead I am the one
    Exterminating son
    Slipping through the trees
    Strangling the breeze
    Dead I am the sky
    Watching angels cry
    While they slowly turn
    Conquering the worm
    Dig through the ditches and burn through the witches
    I slam in the back of my Dragula
    Dig through the ditches and burn through the witches
    I slam in the back of my Dragula

  7. Imagine this with Beam NG drive car physics, the cars getting more and more mangled as you progress.

    Also, i have this fear of trucks chasing me ever since I first watched Duel when I was a kid, i might NEVAH play this game lol

  8. Maximum Overdrive the video game?! sign me up! I loved that movie as a kid. I'm honestly surprised it hasn't been done before…. unless it has and I just don't know about it.


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