Homeworld 3 Official Overview Trailer

Homeworld 3, the hotly anticipated space showdown, is cooking up over at Blackbird Interactive and getting polished by Gearbox Software. Mark your calendars for May 13, 2024, ’cause that’s when the action hits!

In this game, you’re not just playing, you’re commanding fleets in a 3D space brawl. Solo players, rejoice! There’s a meaty campaign mode waiting for you. And when it comes to combat, think fast and think in 3D, ’cause that’s how we roll. Plus, get ready for some serious spatial strategy with the introduction of massive megaliths and trenches, adding a whole new layer to the mix. Oh, and did we mention co-op mode? Yep, it’s coming, blending the classic Homeworld gameplay with a spicy roguelike twist.

After the dust settled in the last two games, we thought we were in for some smooth sailing. But, surprise! Karan S’Jet disappears, and a creepy anomaly starts creeping across the galaxy, turning everything dark and dangerous. Fast forward a century, and it’s up to Imogen S’Jet to save the day, leading a fleet to tackle this cosmic catastrophe head-on.

Now, let’s talk about the journey to get here. The Homeworld saga goes way back to ’99, but it hit a bit of a snag after Homeworld 2. Luckily, Gearbox swooped in, snatched up the rights, and got the ball rolling again. The success of the Homeworld Remastered Collection and Deserts of Kharak showed there’s still love for the series, paving the way for Homeworld 3.

Development-wise, things kicked off around 2017, with Gearbox putting up the cash and Blackbird Interactive drumming up extra support through a crowdfunding campaign. With industry vets like Rob Cunningham and Paul Ruskay on board, you know we’re in good hands. Sure, there’ve been a few bumps in the road, like Gearbox changing hands, but we’re still on track for launch.

Speaking of which, we’ve had a couple of delays along the way, but good things come to those who wait, right? So mark your calendars, set your alarms, do whatever you gotta do ’cause on May 13, 2024, it’s go time for Homeworld 3!


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