Hollywood STILL Does Not Understand Resident Evil | Adaptive Difficulty

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#ResidentEvil #ResidentEvilNetflix #WelcomeToRacconCity


27 thoughts on “Hollywood STILL Does Not Understand Resident Evil | Adaptive Difficulty”

  1. Resi could've been one of the best video game adaptations on the planet. Premise is simple, and all Hollywood had to do is simply adapt that aspect. Alas, when Hollywood thinks of zombies, they think of world wide outbreaks because stupid reasons.

  2. I believe they understand but just want to do their own version, the Alice RE series can be somewhat faithful but it feels like someone's fanfict of RE. And that's how it is to all live action adaptation. They have the source material but they want to do their own version while doing a half ass job at respecting the source material. And if you have a problem with it there's gonna be people that say "it's a different continuity so it's ok, not everything has to be accurate, maybe it's not for you, go back to your old stuff if you don't like the change.

  3. I legitimately forgot that Resident Evil Netflix series exists, and while I would have liked to have kept it that way, I am glad to hear it was cancelled given how bad I heard it was. It honestly wouldn't have surprised me to learn if it had gotten a second season given something as bad as Emily in Paris did, though I imagine that Paris trash was/is more marketable and mainstream in general for various reasons even with zombies having been done to (un)death for over a decade now.

  4. I'm not gonna go with the hivemind and say "HOLLYWOOD CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT" because that's bullshit and you all know it.

    And I'm gonna be very honest: What Paul Anderson had in mind for his movies, on paper, doesn't sound BAD.

    Having it start as an "original" story that's happening at the same time as the first game's story with a brand new setting and characters and then it transitions to the Raccoon City story and then it goes on from there? That COULD'VE worked, in fact, I feel that, depite them having MANY flaws, the first two movies KINDA got it right… it's just that they got worse as they went along (even if they started pulling more elements from the games).

    And yes, I actually DON'T mind Alice, because, let's be real, people can complain about something like "she wasn't in the games so why is she in the main cast?" but if Harley Quinn taught us something is that you can make a brand new character that never appeared in the source material and make them work if you handle them well… thing is, though, she wasn't handled well at all.

    And really, the newer adaptations are even WORSE because, on one hand, you have the Netflix series that doesn't resemble RE in any way on top of it just being poorly made in general and Welcome to Raccoon City just feel like they put a bunch of stuff from the games just to say "HEY LOOK GUYS WE ACTUALLY PLAYED THE GAMES PLEASE LIKE US"

    I've always said this about adaptations, especially videogame adaptations: They don't have to be faithful in order to be good, they just need to be… y'know, good. They can make their own things and have their own takes on certain elements as long as it's well-made or interesting… or just crazy enough, for fun and all that.

  5. I think another pro of the Resident Evil games being smaller scale means that there is more time to focus on individual characters and fewer loose ends that needs to be tied up by the end of the story. The most global game in the RE franchise is RE6, it that games there are bio terror attacks in the United States, Europe, and China, and that games story is kind of a mess partly because it was so over reaching with its story. RE1 took place in a mansion with like 20 zombies total in the entire game, RE7 is a bit more action focused than RE1, but that game takes place in a closed off estate with maybe a total of 80 or so enemies in the entire game, with a majority of those enemies appearing in the final stretch of that game. You don't need something super massive and grand to make a proper Resident Evil story.

  6. A year ago you said you would do a wasted plotential video on the premier skins from injustice 2 so please do either that or the mortal kombat 11 DLC because I think all the DLC has been released now(I think but I'm not sure)

  7. As much as welcome to raccoon city was accurate to base material it’s the most blasphemous of them all-because of that. My biggest turnoff was the fact that I thought Jogia was a neat choice for Leon, if they gave him the right hair make up…and then we got Jogia and Kaya Scodelario’s scowl topped off with no pony tail.

  8. Something I think might be worth a parallel plot video might be Kitana and Mara Jade.
    They're both:
    Girls taken from their parents to be raised by an evil Emperor.
    Raised to be assassins of that evil Emperor.
    Sent to assassinate the main hero of their respective franchise.
    End up failing that assassination.
    End up realizing that the Emperor they were loyal to was evil, and turning against either him or the remnants of his Empire.
    End up falling in love with the main hero.
    They have evil counterparts who remain loyal to the evil Emperor or his idealogy, an evil counterpart they fight.
    Both are betrayed by a member of their family in a turn that is considered unfaithful to the characters by much of the fanbase.

  9. One simple things, they dont give a shit about the source materials, they just want the popularity of the ip. Nobody care about their original story, so they slap a popular ip name on their fan-fiction call "adaptation". Sabotage the name, the characters, the location, they are not adapt the source materials, they using the name of source materials to bait people to watch it. And many details, the trope in re you can see everywhere in anime, and those writer never watch anime anyway so they'll never understand it.

  10. There's nothing to understand about Resident Evil. The real problem with film adaptations is they refuse to simply make the movie based directly and verbatim from the games. The plot and script for that matter is there already as well as the dialogue. Even the locations and method of shooting the films too. Yet filmmakers can't do this simple thing because it has to be a film for the general audience not just gamers. Sorry but when you base a film on a game then you're bound by what is in the source material verbatim with absolutely no changes for any reason.

    As for what games that's an entirely different can of worms. You'd have discord among the fans as there are three camps of gamers. The old school RE fans,the fans who embrace both the old and new,and the fans who exclusively prefer the new only. I personally fall under the first of these three groups. I find that movie adaptations of any kind of media be it games,books,cartoon,anime,and any and all other types of media tend to fail nearly 99.9% of the time to remain faithful to their source material. Instead of trying to make adaptations just make original films even if within these universes but adhere to the established boundaries set by the source material of each one. Don't change things…just add to them within the guidelines of the source material.

  11. Honestly, such a perfect way to describe it, and it's amazing. It's literally right on point when you say the games have "hope" and the movies just follow this cliché "how long can you survive" scenario. Ironically it also feels much more realistic with how actual undead viral outbreaks would be handled, unless it was airborne infections it is nearly impossible to go to dangerous levels of infection that can be considered an apocalypse. And as far as these corporate titles go, they are only using the Resident Evil name for recognition while never even paying respect to what made the name recognizable to begin with, in simple words, they just don't know what IS Resident Evil, or maybe they just don't care, probably both.

  12. In my honest opinion Like Devil may cry Resident evil has always been much deeper in terms of how the stories progress resident evil 8 village is my favorite hear me out Ethan is an okay protagonist and thanks to shadows of rose we got a decent moment between rose and ethan but that resident evil isn’t about zombies it’s about mutation and monsters as well as that each protagonist for the most part is meant to grow and adapt to the world they are in and find ways to survive.

  13. I've come to despise the Walking Dead for this very reason, ever since it came out every Zombie story has been copying it to a point where people have seemingly lost the ability to concive of a Zombie story that dosn't turn into the Walking Dead.


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