HOI4 | BI | Kingdom Of Italy | PNF | Benito Mussolini | #4 | Aircraft Production Begins, The VV MK 2

In This Series, Benito Mussolini, The Duce Of Italian Fascism, Will Carve Out A New Italian Colony In East Africa, Rapidly Build Up Italy’s Army, Navy And Air Force, Strongly Develop Her Industry, And Prepare For The Final Showdown With The Plutocratic Allies!
#gaming #heartsofiron4 #blackice #kingdomofitaly #pnf #benitomussolini


6 thoughts on “HOI4 | BI | Kingdom Of Italy | PNF | Benito Mussolini | #4 | Aircraft Production Begins, The VV MK 2”

  1. https://youtu.be/YSzpuGoPGUU

    A topic which bugs me to this day.
    Interesting how simular documentaries made by people such as navalny and westerners are regarded as full of nothing but facts and truth and are not only allowed but endorsed to be seen by the public, however when such a documentary exposes the true colours of those people, their ideals such a free speech quickly dissolve and disappears.
    Mind you Browder threatened to sue any theaters that aired the movie. In comparison Medvedev did not sue Navalny for his ,,He is not Dimon to you" movie.

  2. Multirole aircraft was a good concept simce its inception but its potential is only now being realised.
    Dew to the limitation of technology, the multi role aircraft was something that everybody looked with a sceptical eye. We might be 10 to 15 year away from the era of the multi role jet. This will make logistics, production and training far easier and it will reduce the overall cost.

  3. You will face issues with supply in North Africa, build rails level 3 and a decent size airport before you go to war, also bomb the heck out of the sea zones around malta, you can down 50% of the english fleet in those zones good luck


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