Hogwarts Legacy on 9 year old PC +AMD 6000 series GPU -1440p, Ultra details, RayTracing High,NO FSR

Not patched
Not latest Drivers

I will put up more footage of PS5 (fidelity) vs PC ‘side by sides’ (like first video) shortly but this one is to show how game has been set for ‘buttery smooth’

As can be seen, second last room before credits roll there will be some frame drop .. I will put up overlay on/off especially if any notorious parts for ‘issues’.

To play this it feels like ‘Ghost of Tsushima’ smooth.. there are no framepacing issues or overt varying latencies’.

To be fair it is pretty hard to sell the notion of the PC version when a Playstation basically is mission ‘reflections in mirrors’ and some shadow detail quality…
Unless side by side, with the exception of the mirrors, would be ‘very hard to tell’.

Remember- the console has the Bluetooth receiver chip/controller/Operating system (with option also to add an UHD 4K optical drive).
Most people wouldn’t add these aspects into a PC budget build price.. so to really compare Apples to Apples we have to factor a few extra things.

Playstation has the Adaptive Triggers which do add something to connection with the world, and are not active in the PC version of the game (when using the PS5 controller).
PS5 version has higher quality shadows than the Xbox Series consoles based on what I have read online (and on ElAnalistaDebits), and the Raytracing mode seems to be basically solid (unlike the Xbox version).

The PC used here does have the advantage of using less power in action -much of the time- whilst rendering better graphical fidelity than the Playstation 5 console.
The PC can jump up to over 400 watts system draw (with peaks of 280watts on the graphics card), up from a low of around 200watts total draw from the wall socket.

For five times the system cost for a PC like this (if buying new) it is hard to sell “PC gaming”, but using this 9 year old ‘5th gen intel platform’ with QUAD channel RAM (and an 5820K processor very lightly overclocked)..
it runs pretty neat.
I have videos showing that using a Sansung EVO 850 as a games drive I seem to load faster than the console (at least for the game start and cutscenes and level loads at beginning etc)..

This game at 1920×1080 resolution looks much better than most games I have seen 4K even if using Supersampling.. it isn’t just the ‘screen resolution’ that matters..
The internal render resolution is so high that even at lower resolutions there is no ‘pixels to be seen’.
The game really raises the quality of what we get from selecting Ultra qualtiy graphics (and the default console fidelity and experience is incredible for something ‘pre UE5/sans Nanite&Lumen etc’).
For 1920×1080 lUltra settings graphics with Raytracing, the game will want around 10GB of VRAM, and if it has less the PC will certainly want more than 16GB of system RAM…

This title is like’the new Crysis- and gamers may have to accept that Ultra in 2023 is now pushing rigs ‘that little bit harder’.

Very hard to spot a polygon, and I have seen ONE low quality texture (the landing on a stairwell).
This game is prettier than most benchmarks, and I believe the ‘slight frame drop in the second last room before the opening credits rol’ is something that will be rectified in either the day one patch or any graphics card driver updates that may be availabl;e at the time of filming this. (Uh-huh)

Lot of people saying this game doesn’t run well, but they are usually aiming for ‘north of sixty fps’ and are probably short of VRAM and system RAM.. (heck some have even simply had ‘single channel RAM’..

The game is excellent people.
Cheers and ‘Happy Hogwarting’!

Quiet PC build
X99 5820K (6c/12t) set to 4Ghz
32GB 2667 RAM (Quad Channel)
AMD 6900 set to ‘sip power’ and give fluid gameplay by boosting as needed (quiet system goal)
HL with Ultra everything except film grain (affects encoding quality) and chromatic aberation (I don’t want to fell like I am watching through a TV -I want to be ‘there’…). Raytracing is set to High as the present version of the game has some ‘big framerate swings’ and this seemed to help a bit in one particular zone..
Resolution is at 1440 with no FSR techniques but the included AntiAliasing was set to Hgh Qualtiy in game..

subscribe if you want a technicians take on just how amazing this games graphical fluidity is vs ‘other product’ (most of the reason for its’ so called “poor performance”).
all support is appreciated.. if I get a few dimes together I would upgrade the speed level on the FibreToThePremises so streaming High Quality feeds would be something doable.

We have a lot of Harry Potter Lego and have plans for a lot of PS5/PC and Lego Potter stuff.
tuning advice and config help.. too.
Good day to you 🙂


1 thought on “Hogwarts Legacy on 9 year old PC +AMD 6000 series GPU -1440p, Ultra details, RayTracing High,NO FSR”

  1. Some are lucky some are not. For me, it doesn't matter what settings or what ini tweaks or fixes, the game has massive stutters and frame drops, even if I am averaging 80-100 fps, it's just not smooth. Then u get people playing on 7 yer old hardware that get buttery smooth rock solid 60fps. It's always the way. Some ppl lucky, others not.


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