The Rapper Who Signed A $3M Deal… Then Robbed A Bank





49 thoughts on “The Rapper Who Signed A $3M Deal… Then Robbed A Bank”

  1. Here's what yall don't get tho…. He might have apparently signed a $3 Million Dollar Deal thru their record label company that they are rapping thru… BUT, they ain't gettin no $3 Million. They purposely make you take our all the mkneh it costs for the cameraman, director, visuals, editing, sound editing/managers, anyone needing to be paid in the music video that you wanted in it… Yeah! UNFORTUNATELY those assholes are so Got Dayum crooked they make you pay for all of that!! And if you don't pay up, alot of various different things start to happen, they'll even suicide you if you're worth more to them dead than alive.. Look at Michael Jackson FOR EXAMPLE! He was worth $830,000,000 Million Dollars Dead! As an insurance policy and the record label/manager is the first one to take it out to apparently "cover their losses till they find a new artist" and if you ain't making money, bringing it money by rapping or whatever it is that you do, and it's significantly less than your Death Clause/Death Policy then they'll fuckin kill you and make it look like Ana accident, we've all seen these "Accidents" that have happened with artists and celebs.. Kurt Cobain for example, his Death Claus was worth way more than what he was producing for the record company the last few months before his death so they paid his so called GF to get him high off his own supply (his DOC was Heroine) and once he knocked out, she sat him on the floor, put the shotgun up and made it look as if he shot himself and that was that! She had help from his manager too because tell me why his manager lived way across town including the recording studio, and he pops up to the scene on CAMERA 2 minutes later then leaving and he claims he went to go look for him so hey can "talk".. Like wtf did yall needa talk about?! They've never had these types of meetings before so that was obviously a lie… I mean it goes on n on with these artists and celebs these days. More rappers/pop stars than anything! But it's just insane!

  2. To allll the youth that watched this

    THIS GUY IS A BO ZO !!!! This ain’t gangsta nothin about this shit is cooool and sooon as he get figured out the most gangsta dude in the building will tell him YOU SHTOOPID!


    You’ll go much further in LIFE!!!

    Believe and trust !!! πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈβœŒπŸΎπŸšΆπŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ

  3. For the black men who can make it, live till 40 years of age the world's biggest reward & celebration$ can imagine, will be waiting for you. Will you and your whole crew make that. You promise. No shorts on your life. Struggle hard for the long haul. It's real sweet. Knowledge & Wisdom, ect.

  4. Guy basically won the jackpot just to downgrade himself into a prison where he meets a dude name β€œSweet Sauce” waiting for him as a cell mate who is 6’7 350 pounds all muscle.

  5. Y’all talk about anyone just for FU&king VIEWS. He NEVER EVER HAD A DEAL. Their was a 100k deal on the table but wasn’t coming through. THATS WHEN THE STUPID, robbery took place! Get your facts stright!!!

  6. It's time for a major change in hip hop.
    We need to start hearing about success stories, people who got out an changed their lives for the better, positive shit to influence kids.
    Every day good shit happens to people in bad situations but we never hear about it, we only hear about the other daily shit like murder, drug dealing etc and then glamorize it which in turn keeps the next generation trapped in the cycle
    Fuck your gold chains and guns, how about using hard work and dedication to raise your family up and out of poverty? how about buying moms a house? these kids have voices that can reach millions and they want to talk about killing other kids that look just like them, shits sad

  7. Just for some context: signing a $3 million dollar deal doesn’t mean you get $3 million dollar; that’s just how much the deal is worth. At best, he received an advance of $25-50K.

  8. Bro! Ups to Bump. But you really shouldn’t be waving stories like this bc Youngsters hear it an think they can Come Up by taking the same Route and where do they end up???


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