HoGaLe's Tarot: Sinema, Harry & Megan, Canada, Germany arrests, Trump, & Leonard Leo.

Lady G, Dr. Lena, and Hogarth discuss current events via the Tarot and Vedic Astrology.

In the show: yet more classified documents turn up in Florida, Krysten Sinema stops pretending to be a Democrat, and we see big-money types funding chaos and a mixed bag for Meghan and Harry.

(for entertainment purposes only)

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27 thoughts on “HoGaLe's Tarot: Sinema, Harry & Megan, Canada, Germany arrests, Trump, & Leonard Leo.”

  1. And the neoliberal agenda was completed with Clinton signing NAFTA. I lived through this BS working in a factory for 10 years during that time. The conservatives infiltrated the unions hierarchy with ease and the end was nigh.

  2. Democrats need to strip Sinema of all committee appointments. Take away any power she holds. The AZ dems that voted for her should be calling for her to resign. This is not what they voted for.

  3. Interesting take n Trudeau. Ms Lena is correct when she mentions we have our far right negative influences and conspiracy theorists as they push towards n authoritarian personality in Conservative Pierre Poilievre. I hope he never gains enough support to form government. Trudeau has had to cope with the same pressures as other civilized countries who experienced unprecedented efforts to control the government from without through no legal means other than their own misplaced, misguided and misinformed desires to use their noise and annoyance factors to stage a coup. If it hadn't been so disastrous to the locals in Ottawa it would have been laughable. Unfortunately dark forces always show up for a bonfire to join the party and try to take control. It was a new experience that needed new resolve to quell.

  4. Megan is an American actress who worships the golden calf= money! The Royal family work hard at marketing Britain. She is a commoner. Lacks knowledge of the British History, traditions, and she is not in the least bit suitable to be a Royal Princes wife. This has nothing to do with colour or race. This is just another Wallis Simpson. Harry has made his choice. He is chosen to live like a commoner. Get on with it.

  5. I believe Leo is the one who gave 1 billion cash to the federalist society before the midterms, considering the outcome of the midterms he basically threw a billion dollars down the drain. I say let him keep throwing money down the drain until he’s broke with nothing to show for it.

  6. Thanks for this show today, totally fun.
    1) the 1st Bard quote that Sinema got was accurate for each especially since they both got it, you all missed it.
    You widh had read the poem again and really examined it.
    It was perfect.
    2) Meghan is NOT some magical woman for the good. She is the Donald Trump of the Left. Her thirst for power and money will not be stopped. She is a malignant narcissist who is lies and is isolating her victim. She uses her public lies to manipulate her victim, like all malignant narcissist.
    Again, I think your biases made you overlook the message.
    She targeted Harry from Ling ago. She compulsively lies , which requires Harry to defend her (Wallace Simpson story reverse). Harry is obviously suffering PTSD. She is now in the demeaning stage, next will be discard.
    The wall of fire is all of Meghan's lies, and they don't want to give up on Harry.
    I'm shocked none of you mentioned her obvious public lies and intentional isolation of Harry from his family.
    I think this reading said that Harry is going to be publicly humiliated after the Royal family walks through the fires caused by Meghan's malicious lies and public disrespect.
    The media didn't do a "Diana" on Meghan. That was in their mind. In their documentary they actually lied about the paparazzi.
    That docuseries was chock fill of PR and outright lies."Their side" is narcissistic lies planted by Meghan. I'm expecting Harry to "disclose" that with Meghans help, he realizes the Firm hired tge paparazzi to chase down his mom and kill her. I won't be shocked if that's in his book. Poor Gaslit Harry.

  7. Lots and lots and lots of people sell their stories to make money. Harry and Meghan are doing the same thing. Does not make it interesting though. I find the whole thing quite tiresome. I would be much more interested if they did documentaries on substantial and important topics instead of their sob story.

  8. As a Canadian, I’m very thankful we had Trudeau as we faced such crazy times with Trump, covid, the Ottawa convoy, indigenous reconciliation, the Ukrainian war etc. he has high emotional intelligence which is really needed now..β€οΈπŸ™

  9. Trudeau likes and respects women and minorities. Good enough for me! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•


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