His watercolor portraits blow my mind. I set out to learn how Mario does it.

Learn more about Mario’s workshop: https://sketchbookskool.com/workshops/watercolor-portraits-with-mario-a-robinson/
Thanks to Winsor & Newton for sponsoring Mario’s workshop — and for making awesome stuff.


11 thoughts on “His watercolor portraits blow my mind. I set out to learn how Mario does it.”

  1. My process that has finally helped make breakthroughs in my pursuit of art: YouTube until I realize that no amount of videos will revolutionize a single brushstroke (and occasionally watch select art YouTube channels for fun). Quit social media because it consumes my focus (yup, did it because nobody's going to remember me for how many likes I got). Struggle willingly at the desk for hours on end, torturing myself about composition, color, value, and subject matter. /*Take the occasional class in-person and online.*/ Struggle some more. Pace back and forth drinking coffee for hours without making a single mark. Take a walk. Grow stuff in the garden. Go back to the desk and be uncomfortable. Eventually, magic happens without having known it has happened. I'm not unique in this.

    The best thing one can do for their creative process is to empty their mind (phone) and stop their constant thoughts from impeding their process. A creative cannot create when their mind isn't allowed to shut off and wander in silence. It's the void that rejuvenates the mind and creates ideas. Please, for your own sakes, rid yourself of distraction and justification of said distraction. Learn that commiseration in any form (even comments on YouTube about how you're just trying to find the time) is likely another way to sabotage yourself from making progress.

    Tough love.

    Sincerely, fellow art lover


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