Elden Ring is Not for Everyone and That's a Good Thing (No Spoilers)

Today I’ll be discussing why despite it’s Review Scores, Elden Ring might not be for Everyone, but at the same time it fills a niche that many of us love, and considering so few games fill that niche, we think it’s a good thing that From Software doesn’t compromise on it’s design.

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#EldenRing #DarkSouls #

0:00 What have I been up to?
03:59 A high review score doesn’t mean you’ll like it.
07:01 The Souls Community
09:45 Elden Ring Lack of Guidance?
14:55 I Want More People to Play Elden Ring.
17:02 Why It Needs to Be Challenging
27:14 Can Souls Games Dare to be Different?
30:02 Streamer Frustration
32:58 The Importance of Taking Your Time
32:58 Elden Ring Media Kit & Conclusion


43 thoughts on “Elden Ring is Not for Everyone and That's a Good Thing (No Spoilers)”

  1. Sometimes, I feel people forget that From Software has mostly made niche games carefully tailored to those who enjoy overcoming challenges. People arguing over easy modes for the sake of "accessibility" don't recognize that, sometimes, the challenge of a game is a core part of the experience the game is trying to convey. Even then, the people who argue that an easy mode is part of "accessibilty" usually aren't the ones that need it and the ones they say need it are overcoming the hurdles with everyone else. If they don't like the game director's decision to not put in an easy mode, the game just isn't for them.

  2. Interesting video. I have always been curious about the souls game but never dipped my toes so to speak as its not for everyone and that's cool. Not all games should be for everyone. Have to agree with the assassins creed games. Since they changed the style

  3. As an enjoyer of Dark Souls games since PTDE, I do think there are quite a few things in this game that could have been executed better and I do often see people get dismissed when they bring up valid criticisms. There is undeniable "tribalism" when it comes to Souls games and a mentality that if you are not 100% satisfied with the games, you are somehow not to be taken seriously. With Elden Ring in particular, I am chalking it up to people still being in the honeymoon phase but 80+ hours in, I'm noticing some holes that I'd like to discuss but I suppose this close to release is just not the time.

  4. I want to like it. I so SO want to like it as the world is beautiful and the drip-fed story fascinates me. But I fear I never will, as I just can't beat that first story boss no matter what I try, and while i've done some grinding to try and boost myself, I just can't find enjoyment in the thought of grinding so much that I spend a bunch of time, only to trivialise the game's difficulty going forward. So…I'm stumped. Was told that boss is unusually hard and they wont all be this way but…Well, I can't see the rest if I cant get past it.

  5. This game is incredible, i've been playing since release and still finding new stuff. the difficulty is the most rewarding part, if people cant seem to figure that out then they dont get it.

  6. The game is great but towards end game on all the larger enemies the camera is really bad. You can’t see most of the attacks because the camera has you pointed at the enemies feet 😂

  7. Review rating is a very subjective thing. Just because most people rate a game 10/10 doesn't mean it's that for you because in the end what matters is if you enjoyed the game or not, if you don't enjoy a game it's not a 10/10 for you despite what other people say.

  8. I disagree with you about the Souls community. They're nice and welcoming…. until you criticise ANY aspect of a Souls game. Then they come down on you like a ton of bricks.

  9. I think you make a good point about what makes the game difficult. For a long time I viewed souls games as the sort of game you should play basically as a glass cannon and learn to dodge every attack. And I didn't complete any of the games because of that. Something I've realised with elden ring is its OK to take advantage of everything you can in the game, the Summons the magic, and that's not cheesing the game its playing it too. Its been way more fun for me playing as a sorcerer blasting things and poking with an Estoc when I don't wanna use mana.
    Personally I enjoy guides that tell me where strong stuff is, because the main thing that stops me playing these games is bashing my head against a wall and not getting a lot done. By having community members helping with where good places to grind souls, get upgrade items and strong items are I can enjoy the game more by completing more stuff. And yknow what? No matter how much help you get you still need to learn fights to some degree. Hard bosses are still hard cause you have to know how to dodge some attacks, even if you don't dodge them all. It's part of why I've been enjoying ragegamings content on elden ring because they like you have a very open minded idea of play the game however you like however fast you like, it's your choice and that's the fun.
    Anyways I hope your blind playthrough is performing well, I'm enjoying it a lot.

  10. I love Elden Ring even when im beeing pounded into the ground.
    This game is an open world Dark Souls that actually has content worth discovering wherever you go in the open world.
    There is subtle guidance but it's not on the nose and mainstream gamers won't pick this subtlety up, then they'll cry and call this game garbage because it's quite a different kind of open world since it has Dark Souls DNA all over and inside it. If they lay down the game by recognizing that it's just not their type of game or because the technical issues really affect them then I respect that but if you're gonna moan and shout about the game beeing too difficult and vague then guess what, this game wasn't made for people like you and it shouldn't conform to your needs and wants.

    Also we have Maltesers here in Spain so I asume they're a thing in all of Europe.

  11. 6:20 sadly that's not the case. While bloodborne is probably the best game I ever played for me, and I love all that came before and played those 4 games each many times for many hours, I have not been enjoying what came after (as much). Game series need to reinvent themselves along the lines and sadly for me these changes don't click with me. I love exploring in elden ring, I don't like the combat. Hitboxes feel wonky to me, attackpatterns weird, only the fast roll seems right to me, some enemies are stunned by everything others by nothing. The combat logic the games had to it has been escaping me, replacing a sense of challenge, excitement and fun with annoyance.

    It's not so bad in the open world but I have barely enjoyed any of the bosses.

    And that's not even counting the regurgitation of bosses. "Remember that boss from the starting area? Here's the same one again … with an army of adds … who have throwing bleed weapons".

    I guess I should have summoned wolves or something. Clearly the game wants you to think differently, just like the series allways has, but in the moment it felt like one of their bad design choices. They have rarely done bosses with adds well, imo this fight isn't one of the good ones.

    I don't know if I like the change this time around. Or whether I'm up for a new learning process. I have been switching weapons, going back to my roots of using fast weapons again. Maybe a big burly club just isn't for me this time around.

  12. The best experience imho with this game: don't watch any vids! Keep spoilers away from you!! Start as wretch. Explore every corner. TAKE YOUR TIME- DO NOT RUSH!!!! And enjoy every new loot, new npc and boss. I'm having the time of my life. Best game ever. My new nr. 1 before Witcher 3, GTA SA/VC, Resident Evil 4, Nioh 2.

  13. I'm having a blast, I'm 80 hours in and it's my favourite game of all time. I love being in the world they have created. I'm sure im in late game stuff now and it's incredible. I just can't put it down and im already thinking about my next playthrough lol

  14. No. God no, please no. Not another video about this topic. I can't hear it anymore and yet am always driven toward it, because it triggers me like little else. Please just stop. I don't want this anymore… Just let me enjoy my game!

  15. The one important thing about the lack of an easy mode to me is the shared experience. We all struggle the same – the ghosts we see have to bear the same difficulties as we do. that makes all the "i did it" messages meaningful- we share the joy of overcoming a boss. if some of the players had it on easy mode those messages would be worthless- who cares if you did it on easy mode. you didn't overcome a challenge. you just cruised through.

  16. I got someone into the game, and he basically gets through it by googling everything and getting OP stuff. At first I was like, that's not the point. But then I realize just do whatever if it makes you enjoy it. Maybe somewhere down the line for the next FROM games you'll want that experience, maybe you wont.

  17. I've been story spoiled so bad by other content creators I used to be subbed to which I was forced to unsubbed from them that just don't understand how important the 1st playthroughs of a souls game is and the dumb youtube algorithm ruined major bosses

  18. The souls games are absolutely not for everyone, they’re full of questionable design decisions and are tailor made for a very specific experience, leading to the game being a love it or hate it experience. That said, I do wish the games were more accessible because there’s so much more to these games than just “game hard :)” with a really intricate and detailed world to explore and discover its secret and history, and it sucks that there’ll be people who’d love to get lost in that world who can’t because they get walled on bosses so much it drains them and they quit, of they have some physical disability making it impossible to meet the technical skill the game demands.

  19. I really like your videos, specially the mh ones who made me found your channel some years ago. Calm and constructed opinion, with a lot of passion, so thank you, really. I haven't played all the games (I have many to finish before going to elden ring, sunbreak and xeno3), I don't like all the games, but I really have fun at playing games. I think the guidance thing may be a generational "problem", because the actual society itself is greatly assisted for days actions and many people are used to, and don't want just to TRY something, with no like for EFFORT. I remember my debut in gaming in the early 90's and for most of the games they weren't translated (I'm french), with no guidance ingame and just the help for starting with the inbox manual. And we didn't have all the help from forums and sites because internet wasn't there, and just few games had their help books, but we just OVERCOME it and HAVE FUN. As a 1st generation mh player, I remember being stuck for weeks in this game, because it was hard and not guided, but it was so ENJOYABLE to kill that first kutku on ps2, and later defeat my first rajang in freedom2 (remembering me shouting and jumping on my bed). For me DIFFICULTY is a good thing: we try, we become better, like we do in today's life. (So I really don't understand all that videos "how to be OP at the start!", what the point to destroy all bosses in a game without trying to understand the game and trying it by ourselves…) But I'm also glad that some games give us the possibility to experiment the game with less difficulty (like horizon zero dawn that I'm actually having fun with) with the "story difficulty" or to lower that difficulty for some boss after many failed (like xenoblade and xeno x), because we all can have trouble with all games, but want to have fun with the STORY.

  20. Crazy how game went form mixed reviews to very positive on Steam, im normally more a soul watcher than player but im enjoying this one on small dosis.

  21. Elden is 11/10
    I just realized 😳 how massive this game is and how much power your character can have. I still at the beginning of the game ish (lol) at lol 70

  22. It's a matter of learning the trophes of the series that makes the game "hard", when you understand those ideas it's not really about accessibility in my opinion and you can complete most of these games yourself. From Software try to mess you up what you learnt from previous titles but the core ideas are the same. I'd say to approach the genre by playing Demon's Souls, a more linear experience itself to understand how things works and in perspective more toned down in difficulty compared to the fast paced most recent titles.
    From another point of view it's understandable that if more and more action rpgs try to mimic Souls gameplay the people that don't like that have less and less options. It's like with rogue-like or tier based loot, they are popular but not for everyone. I'd love more experimentation in action rpgs, no surprise people still love Dragon's Dogma because it's different (and i don't think mainly because there's a quest log there :P).

  23. As someone who never touched dark souls due to being intimidated and buying this, it was a beautiful intro into the souls type games for me, I’m 45 hours in, and going really strong

  24. I'm binge watching all of your videos on this game, and it is amazing… When it comes to difficulty, I'm on the side that they shouldn't add a difficulty choice, I haven't played any of the souls games (but would love too) but I am a Solo Monster Hunter veteran, and some of the best hunts I've ever had were the ones that were scaled for 4 players even in solo (such as G-Rank Jhen Mohran and Alatreon in 3U). Nothing beats the sense of accomplishment and taking down bosses that are extremely hard, or in MH's case, beating it with literally seconds left before the timer ran out. These games are gems and they are made for a specific type of player, the ones that want to invest and overcome challenge

  25. I cannot stop exploring I’ve watch no footage or guides and I can tell you it’s a rewarding experience. Anyone who gets this game and just goes off exploring will find a world with a lot to find the bosses can be hard and don’t let that distract you it’s possible to do them when you like 👍 heck when I finally got to margit I was overlevelled imo but I had such fun exploring I lost track of the objective. I can see this game lasting a long time just trying to explore and find things in this world FROM have created.

  26. You should try to interview Steve Saylor about the subject of how difficulty is the games identity. He is pretty staunch about needing options to make the games easier and it would be interesting to see ideals clash.


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