Highlander Blood DK Is Still A Great Deck!

Follow me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/krisofive Highlander Blood DK is still a great deck! Here are some of my games with …


6 thoughts on “Highlander Blood DK Is Still A Great Deck!”

  1. It's a good control deck and fun to play. But what i don't get, is why no Steamcleaner in the ETC…? Plague DK is tier 1 right now. Your matchups always last long with blood DK anyway. You won't like to have like 15+ plagues in your deck in the late game… I think that Vampiric Blood, or Blood Boil can be replaced.

  2. I swear the HS matchmaking is rigged. You NEVER encounter a Control priest, that is unless you queue as Blood DK, then half your matches are against Control Priest, a quarter it's mirror match and only the other quarter are all other decks in the meta.


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