Highfleet Custom Modded Campaign – 'Palash-Gate' (Phros goes *All In*) #9

Tiredness may have played a part in my decision making process here but, well. We got somewhere right?

It’s finally time to take another attempt at this custom modded campaign. All enemy ships were designed and voted on by the community! Thank you again to everyone who took part!

Voice Acting Credit: Madeline Dorroh (https://www.madelinedorroh.com/)

Special thanks to everyone who has supported me through my Ko-Fi! (https://ko-fi.com/phros)

My Discord: https://discord.gg/zp2pfvtDgx
Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@PhrosToo


21 thoughts on “Highfleet Custom Modded Campaign – 'Palash-Gate' (Phros goes *All In*) #9”

  1. Can't rely on incendiary if your ships can't survive until the fire has done its things…

    I really feel like you not putting FSS on your ships is hurting you more than it's helping..

    42:59 Talk sh*t get hit 😂

  2. IIRC, planes like attacking ships that have strategic weapons, or at least have some sort of targetting priority. So I guess the first bombs damaged the first target enough that the Palash-havers were the highest priority, and the rest is history. And wasted bombs.

  3. “I would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for those meddling discord members,” Phrosphor paraphrased. January 2024
    I think the killing of your own flight with the missile was worse than this waste of ordinance.

  4. Did I hear your correctly? You said 250kg bombs are not worth it?
    Oh boy… oh boy oh boy. Those are EVEN better than 100kg ones, wouldn't know why I'd bother buying the 100 ones honestly.

  5. Had this come up on my feed I clicked because of how interesting the game looked, but your quality of commentary and content over all made me go back and restart the series. I really hope to see more content from you, I instantly subscribed!

  6. Use the enemy ships with prox fuse to take down the bigger ships with palash, make some more nimble ships and kill off those courageous's since they keep pelting you while you're focused on bigger ships


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