hey peeps, &/or folks. is the world still here?!!! thought it blew up already like mushroom cloud!!!

hey, social-media-family being of any subscribers, & as well any visitors to that being of mine own social-media channel, &/or likewise chatroom, or comments section. what’s going on? what’s up? what’s hopping? what’s dropping? what’s happening? other than how the global community seems to be coming close to world-war-3, & with the most recent minimum confrontations, or conflicts of interests among the remaining ‘super-powers'(if anything i myself, & i don’t know about anybody else, but i have nicknamed some, or such ‘crack-pot-powers’ i say, well hopefully in only a sarcastic comical kind of way, read between the lines, &/or fill in the blanks, & that being of the very reason, &/or purpose for my person having said so is to let you all know what the state of our international governments is like, & for that matter the different societies of nations, or countries, & as the world seems to be losing it’s mind that much more with each, &/or every succeeding, or following year compared to that of any preceeding ones for given calendar time-frame-periods throughout that being of some, or or such chronicled human history over not just the decades, but then worser yet the centuries), & i guess that that is what the present social-media-broadcast, or video is mainly, &/or mostly about, or regarding, or making some, or such reference to that being of some, or such of the main, or mainly, &/or mostly the established ‘super-powers’ being of which everybody is more familiar with compared on to the ones that are only evolving in it’s rather infancy stages of developments to be possibly now considered as being upon it’s way of becoming a ‘super-power’ if it being of this one, & that one to be possibly considered to rival that being of the older ones have not already established itself in that being of their own right, or rights of passages to have been placed upon the map as ‘a force to be reckoned with’ not just locally, &/or nationally, &, but then globally, or internationally.

& not that my person had meant to sound, &/or seem like what, or who would be considered as being commonly called, &/or likewise commonly known as a ‘wet-blanket’, or not that my same person would have meant to possibly sound, &/or seem like as if i could possibly be ‘raining’ upon somebody else’s ‘parade’, God forbid(& like in that same line of thought, &/or sense of the word, or similar to that being of the persons of characters among they themselves otherwise being of the ‘gloom-&-doom’ ‘prosperity-preacher-men’ ‘televangelists’ of those wolves in sheep’s clothing, or snakes in the grass being of whom just continue to fleece their many different gullible flocks of members, &/or visitors alike of their ‘mega-churches’, & not to mention be bleeding that being of the life savings, or being of the pensions of the elderly, or senior-citizens, & not just within our continental u.s.a., united states of america, but then for whatever country, or nation being of which is affiliated, or associated with, &/or representing the global community), &, but then nevertheless i myself say that believe it, or not whereas i had dreamed about a lot of this here if not all of it being of the chaos being of which we all are seeing developing all over the world, & not just years ago, &, but then worser yet something like decades ago, &/or at least a couple, or few, or two, or three decades ago, & to possibly fulfill that being of some, or of such biblical-prophesies, or biblical-prophecies(well whatever, or however said, &/or sorry about the possible, &/or potential misspelling for that being of the last mentioned), i tell you all not a lie, cross my heart, & hope to die if i am, & may God strike me with a bolting of lightning, &, but then i am still here.

& whereas the present confrontations, &/or conflicts of interests being of a difference of views, &/or opinions happening all over the world is at now a very dark stage of development, &/or being of a deep state, or how they say like something coming from the dark side of the moon(but then it is suppose to be more than rumored how that some, or such supposed, or so-called ‘aliens from outerspace’ had at one time, or another had told not only american astronauts, &, but then likewise russian cosmonauts not to ever go back to the planed of the moon surface ever again, or else there would be some, or such supposed, or so-called severe, or serious consequences if any humans, or earthlings were to possibly contemplate doing so in the future, & we were supposedly told this during the revolutionary 60’s), & to think that at one time, or another i myself was a ‘survivalist-preppy’, i kid you not, preparing for the possible, &/or potential ‘end of the world’ in one regard, &/or another, & even as an unbeliever, or nonbeliever before i had become a believer in God, get ready for the present social-media-broadcast, or video, & regardless of whatever i myself could possibly discuss at the moment, on three you all, …


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