Hewll Yeah Podcast #59: Beams, What The Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Odiepus Rex:


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33 thoughts on “Hewll Yeah Podcast #59: Beams, What The Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu”

  1. ok first question is why were yall so damn sauced up this episode LMAO

    forreal question tho, if you had to pick a song to torture eachother what would you pick for each other? specifically, you can only listen to this song on repeat for a week (and no cheating like simply not listening to music for a week)

  2. Question!

    What’s the song that you hear the opening notes and automatically go “I am unavailable until this song is over”? Mine is “Hot Wings (I Wanna Party)” from the Rio movie.

  3. I didn't anticipate any response to that comment. Oh my god. 😂 I know my tag is probably a little confusing to pronounce when you read it but you can call me Echo if you'd like. For a quenchin, do either of you have a sort of guilty pleasure of any kind that maybe you've felt the need to keep secret or something perhaps mildly embarrassing from an outside perspective that you've never shared with each other that you would be willing to admit to this openly? If not for privacy reasons, I completely understand.

  4. Question Time 🎉
    Odie: I have been watching your twitch streams, and they are very fun and funny. What’s a video game (old or new) (any console) that you would recommend playing?
    Erik: When you guys were talking about your novel you wrote in the 6th grade, reminded me when I wrote a “book” in 8th grade then adapting into a script for university, would you do that (make a script or rewrite) with any of your stories that you wrote when you were younger?

  5. What a ride this podcast was.

    Also I love so much that you have all your first writings. I used to, but I had a moment of self hate (first of many) and threw them out. They were awful, but they were mine and held good memories.

    As Arizona boys, what is your method for getting water out of your ears?

    Also, what is your go-to hiccup remedy? That is not Arizona-related. But you could still answer it as Arizona boys. I stubbornly believe that nothing actually makes them go away except for time and people are kidding themselves.

  7. for qwention time !!

    i've always really wanted to get into pokémon , but have absolutely no idea of where to start (if the games need to be played in a certain order , if you should watch the show first etc) so as pokémon connoisseurs do y'all have any advice on where a compete newbie should start? (sorry if this is a dumb question , again i have no idea about pokémon *at all*.)

    (also Erik i feel your pain with the stories , i have drawers full of old stories i wrote when i was younger , all of which are ✨painful✨ to read now , but felt insanely cool and like the peak of literature to 13 year old me.)

  8. Hey, hey, stop right there. Any Page of Cup spillage on pants is strictly for the Patreon. Ahem. I kid, I kid.

    Not that you guys asked, but I felt like sharing a little bit of tarot, based on your zodiac signs. puts on teacher voice Odie, with you being a Leo, your tarot court card would be the King of Wands. This king is all about the passion, the drive, they can be loud as well, their voice demands attention. The suit of wands is about the spark, the desire to create, whether it be in one’s own life or others. For Erik, with you being a Cancer, your tarot court card would be the King of Cups. In the suit of cups, emotions run deep but as the king there is the desire to keep those emotions hidden, under control. There is a fluidity to this king, wishing to flow like water, experiencing life from a fulfilling heart space. When your powers combine~ you have one king sparking an idea, while the other king makes the idea flow into fruition! throws teacher voice away

    The chaos, as always, is so great, but I really loved this podcast episode! There was tarot, there was writing firsties and I’m just smiling from ear to ear. I truly enjoyed the first chapter of BEAMS. I am invested, the rest of the story must be told. Also, I really resonate with the whole excitement of telling a story, writing it down, no matter where you are, just wanting to get that story out. This wasn’t my first story but it was the first I shared with classmates. It was called Survival of the Fittest, also in a binder (written in script format). I look at it now and I just, I can tell I hit puberty when I developed that story. 🤦‍♀️

    The Spanish translation for waif had me in tears. It would be something like… Oh Lulu, no! Mi hermosa niña abandonada! (I know “mi” is “my” but it sounds better to me than “tu” for “you”.) Also, that sounds so damn sad. 💀 I would record myself saying it but I believe you get the gist.

  9. Question time! Erik and Odie, the journey continues as you decide to ask around about the message revealed on the pamphlet. The Page of Cups is left behind still staring at the couple, bumping the chalice on the table with their elbow, causing it to topple over once more. You can hear them whining in the distance, “I-I really need to stop being so clumsy… T-This is how I lost Jerry!” You both agree not to pay any mind to the page for the time being.

    Everyone you asked about the pamphlet gave you confused looks, suggesting someone was playing a prank of some sort. The Hierophant calls you both to walk over to them, “Have you met the Lovers? I will be performing a special ceremony to bind their souls together in holy matrimony. They have brought hope to all sorts of lovers in this realm, even when their own story is hanging by a thread.” As ominous as the Hierophant’s words were, you both greet the couple, congratulating them on their union.

    The Lovers thank you and one of them smiles, “I’m a Storyteller and they are my Muse. Unfortunately, I have started to fall to the corruption and will eventually lose myself to madness. It was my fault for believing in the mirror’s reflection instead of my own truth.” The Storyteller adjusted the long gloves they were wearing, but you can still notice the darkness spreading slowly up their arm. “It is slithering inside like a poison.”

    Wait, did they just say “mirror’s reflection”? You hand the couple the pamphlet, hoping they could help you retrieve some clues. The Muse grimaces, “Who wrote this? Is this a joke? This is the forsaken riddle that got us into this mess… How do you know?” They balled up their fists in anger, moving closer to you, “How do you know of this riddle?” From the corner of your eye, you catch a glimpse of a smirk forming on the Hierophant’s lips.

    The choices are as follows: Try to calm the Muse down (they look about ready to grab you by the throat), Point the finger at the Hierophant (they did give you the pamphlet to begin with), or Confront the Muse, standing your ground (you didn’t do anything wrong, what’s their problem?!)

  10. This episode was so fun, it seems like you guys had a blast recording it too, thank you for the laughs 😁
    Question: when interacting with a story, be it in a game, book, TV show or movie, so you find yourself more drawn into narratives in which you relate strongly to the characters, or ones that are very different from you but have traits you find engaging?

  11. Questions for the next episode:
    1) What's your favorite stereotypical fall excursion? (Apple picking, hay rides, pumpkin carving, baking pies, etc)
    2) What's your go-to song for the "late night driving on an empty highway" aesthetic/feel? (For me it's Born to Die by Lana Del Rey)

  12. Question time!

    Is there any super niche or unpopular cartoons you watched as a kid that you feel like no one else has heard of? Mine was a show called Sendokai champions that aired on the Arabic dubbed cartoon channel back when I lived in a different country, and I’ve never met anyone else who knew about it

  13. Welcome to Yggdrasils fact corner, ok yeh. This episodes fact is: there were multiple ways that humans cleaned teeth before the creation of a toothbrush. This included chewing on a twig, rubbing salt and/or charcoal on them, and scrubbing with a cloth and water.


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