He's so HANDSOME! – Fatal Frame 4 [2]

Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2130460/FATAL_FRAME__PROJECT_ZERO_Mask_of_the_Lunar_Eclipse/

♥ Edited by MegaFragile:
♦ Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:



41 thoughts on “He's so HANDSOME! – Fatal Frame 4 [2]”

  1. I'm really enjoying this play through! I watched your original play through years ago as you translated while playing and that was so fun to watch, but I literally remember zero about the game because depression+autism soup brain so this is like a fresh play through for me!

    I wish you would elaborate a bit on what you mean when you find something about this translation interesting. You keep pointing out different things but then not saying what your interpretation was and it's driving me crazy with wild curiosity!!! When you did talk a bit about it the one time I found it really really interesting! Please start elaborating more I promise it's better than being vague anyway :3

    Can't wait to see more!

  2. Very fun to see it in Hight Quality.
    When you said WII, I when to Mario Super Sluggers.
    Is it too much to ask for a MSS Playthrough? (Wii)
    One Player Story/Unlock Everything, up to 4 Players if you when a Party.
    Can't what for the next EP of FF4.

  3. Before you get to the clock code I thought I saw someone standing on left corner of the room lol
    Also just notice she have a scar on her back which only shows up when she's reading a paper or something because of the close up view
    Are there changes from the japanese version because for some reason translations loves to change things changing the whole meaning

  4. I'm a bit of a newer viewer, so this is the first time I'm watching anything about fatal frame haha. when gab was like "i wonder if there's anyone that hasn't seen these and what their theories are" I was thinking like uhh I'm supposed to have theories?? I'm still taking everything in and processing it lollll

  5. I waited to play this game for 15 years. And since 2008 i blame Nintendo for that, and i never bought any Nintendo console since then. This was my favorite saga in PS2 and and i still own the trilogy.
    Already complete de game 2 times. Im on chapter 10 in my 3rd time in nightmare.

  6. I was thinking that maybe it was a lost or dead twin when I first played through this last week. I've since gotten much further in the game and know the truth now, but there exists those of us who don't already know the entire story.

  7. Isn't this one meant to originally be the Wii exclusive that never released outside Japan before? I'm glad that Project Zero is getting a resurgence on multiple platforms instead of Nintendo doing a weird exclusive grab for no reason, but I feel like given how pretty this looks, more effort could have been made with Maiden of Black Water remaster because that had little to no effort put in, either way I'm glad to be able to finally play these again, once Silent Hill 2 remake releases, the horror trifecta of Resi, Hill and Project Zero will be complete again 😭😭

  8. 霧島久しぶり〜(^ ^)/灰原っ!

    10:35 8395、OK絶対忘れんって思いながら観てたけど、この看護師さんに余裕で忘れさせられた。おそるべし(><)


  9. Choshiro best boy!!! It Is so much nicer to play with a Classic controller, the fighting Is so much easier! Btw I'm at the final chapter Gab, and I must Say that the story Is finally pretty clear with this official translation. Thankfully there wasn't much left for me to grasp thanks to your fantastic translation!

  10. I actually have never seen any of the fatal frames before. This is my fist playthrough watching it. I have no theories yet on the precious person maybe like a sister or something? I don't know need a little more info.

  11. I'd forgotten how absolutely skin-crawling the sound design in this game was, it's awesome to hear it in hi-fi thanks to the game being re-released 😀

    24:35 I like how the shift nurse attacks you a second time in that room, like "THIS IS MY OFFICE" >:C

  12. donno if anyone mentioned it to you already, ms. gab, but, those little yellow lanterns you keep passing by allow you to exchange points for healing items and type 14 film 😀 (the convenience of instant saves makes it so you pass right by without thinking about em, i know :D) Also, a tiny teensy request, would be nice to know what some of the readable japanese says (fascinates me)

  13. Watching this game for the first time now, and I am so invested! What is with all those masks? Is it the one special girl that makes all the other go strange? When will the next ghost arm appear? I am tense at EVERY ITEM!

  14. I’ve not played this game yet or seen a play through, so this is my first time experiencing it! I much prefer this way cuz I have the maidens of black water and it stresses me out so much lol

  15. Gab, when you took down Ayako so quick and fast after the story about the canary I cheered. This remaster and release is so clear I can tell so much more easily what each character's role and motivation is.

  16. -hello – if you havent already dont forget to check the costumes for the other 2 characters – worth it 😉
    -staying one chapter ahead can be frustrating to see the obvious things I somehow missed/didnt get…
    -seems so much easier compared to hard óO these stupid ghost just teleport right behind you in a wall lounge at you and often taking almost all your health really fast…
    (and other times die after a few shots of good film *eg*)


  17. I am catching up with the FF4 remaster uploads and everything is SOOOO great <3
    I like how Gab explains some stuff in JP cultural aspect as it could be quite confusing for the audience who has limited understanding of the culture.

  18. The use of the moon in this story is so fascinating. In English the word 'lunatic' was coined from the Latin "Luna" for "moon" to describe someone suffering from mental illness because it was easier for British officials to write someone off as having changes in moods and behavior caused by something as unchangeable as "the phases of the moon" than to understand and address the systemic causes of depression and anxiety as a result of imperialism and economic exploitation.

  19. There was a moment where a Ghost violently jumped into the Room and they added a Advertising Add just in that moment. Hi, my name is Freank! Do you want to try out my Cellular Abb? 😀
    It was just perfectly cutted😂

  20. Hands up if you’re in the Kirishima fan club 🙌🤣

    Really enjoying Gab’s commentary on the translation and how it compares to what she had interpreted in the past!! 😁


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