Minecraft’s history is plagued with a multitude of dark and powerful beings, and few are more well known than the terrifying Herobrine and Giant Alex. But have you heard of the war that erupted between these two monstrosities?? This is the story of that monumental battle: Herobrine vs. Giant Alex!


20 thoughts on “HEROBRINE vs. GIANT ALEX”

  1. I think Herobrine is the winner because Notch's little brother is Herobrine but for some reason why is Herobrine and Notch are fighting I really want Alex,steve and brine to be friends again

  2. I dont know about you guys, but Herobrine wins in my book.
    Sure we see Giant Alex presumably "winning" the battle at the end.
    However since she had his eyes, i'm going to assume Herobrine possessed her, and therefore was the real winner.
    Hate all u want, but my loyalty lies with Minecrafts oldest legend.


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