Hermitcraft – Prepping for Ravager Delivery!


46 thoughts on “Hermitcraft – Prepping for Ravager Delivery!”

  1. 37:00 Mobs randomly despawn after 30 seconds if they are more than 32 blocks away from the player and instantly despeawn if they are more than 128 blocks away from a player.
    However, if there is no player in the same dimension as the mob, the mob won't despawn, ever.

  2. 16:30 You could hide a passage behind a pirate banner, under a trap door…so it’s really a crawl…..to an artifact, perhaps.
    Despawning mobs through portals has always been true. Always have you needed someone to go through the portal first, unless nametagged first….remember DERP.
    Shredded wheat needs to be sogged. 😂
    End game kill player WITH NAMED MOB “player was killed by SuccessAtDeckedOut”…. advertises server wide completion of run so everyone knows dungeon ready soon.

  3. An idea for the tnt drop could be to have it as a "quick exit" where the tnt kills the player and any items in their inventory get put into a hopper that then trades those items in for coins with different items having different coin values, e.g. 1 frost ember is 1 coin, a level 4 artifact can be like 2 crowns (18 coins) or something like that.

    This way players could choose, do they risk all their items/artifact trying to exit through max clank/hazard or do they take the quick way out but dont get artifacts or frost embers but they get coins that could be used on another run.

  4. Instead of killing the player, you could have a series of locked doors, each unlocked with a barrel, and a sign on each barrel that tells the player which item to dump in it (embers, gold, etc.). To keep the redstone simple you don't actually have to make the locks item or amount specific, it just acts as an effective reminder for the player as to what they need to dump, since they're presented one at a time, and they have to engage with one reminder before they can move on to the next.

  5. I think killing the player at the end is fine. If you filter out what they can't take out of the dungeon and dump everything else back in their shulker, that should be doable. You just need a fast shulker loader so they don't have to wait forever.

  6. One thing that i absolutely loved about watching other hermits play DO1 is the intro music!!! I think that it would be an awesome call to the DO IP to play the same (or updated (same tune maybe 16 bit rather than the 8bit music in DO1)) as the compass drops from the ceiling!

    Also what if at the end you kill the player right after they exit above a carpeted floor of hoppers that sends their items to the shop with filters to take anything that you don't want to go to the shop such as card craft items or whatever and they go to the shop after a run. That way if a vex comes through and kills them once they reach the exit it was going to happen any way and the items are preserved!

    lastly week 4(?) of waiting for a response for my constructive comments.

  7. Thank you for uploading this so fast!! I was trying to watch it at work earlier but we got so busy I couldn’t rejoin until close to the end!

    ALSO- I think having the more decorated area and the more plain areas are perfect. You want POIs and then some areas I think actually NEED to be plain to make those POIs pop. Otherwise it’s like sensory overload and nothing is special. I think the bridge room should have more decorations and then you can do slight stuff with armor stands, plants and stuff to liven up the plain areas.

  8. @2:46:00 idea for blocking vex from the shop, make a nether portal that ppl can go through without going to the nether, but the vex will go to the nether. using the same space for the shop.

    If the vex will despawn in the nether. ( you could build the portal very high so the vex doesn't cause a problem in the nether.)

  9. I dont think you necessarily need to decorate the whole dungeon. It's nice to have more decorated zones to add contrast and interest but I think some plain zones that players can get lost in will help it feel a bit more labarynthian.

  10. The secret passages would work if the keys are one way.

    You need a key to get in. But you could get out without a key. That way if you get into level two or three via a shortcut, you would still get back out (maybe with a button or proximity based).

  11. Tango! You should have the depth charges lead a shortcut to level three. It would help out as it makes it more inticing and you dont have to find a key for it

  12. Prank idea: wait until someone is on level 3 or 4 of the dungeon, then let 20+ ravages loose on level 1 for them to find on the way back up

  13. Everyone always says Portals are easy just divide the X and Z by 8. But I don't understand how they work on the Y dimension. Like in a Shulker Farm design when you have two portals stacked one on the other but don't link up correctly to their corresponding portals. The obvious answer is I built it wrong, and while this is correct it still doesn't give me the information i need to understand why it doesn't work. If i have a fundamental understanding of how they work than i would know what to look for when something doesn't work as expected. Help! Educate the Ignorant please

  14. I'm not sure about killing them at the end of the game is a good idea. Some people like to hoard their level for some reason. Can't they just deposit all the items in the inventory and you sort it for them at the end? I don't think anyone would cheat by keeping the item. Your game runs based on the horner system anyway.

  15. Oh, thought for the two blank cave spots. An ore vein and supplies like it was being mined, but all scattered when a sudden pack of ravagers came through (maybe they accidentally mined into wherever they were?) and the miners fled.

  16. About the potential path by pearls area: you could actually make it so the path is too narrow for a ravager (a narrow little crack in the wall), and then trap ravager(s) inside the area so you have a set number of ravagers there. You would also be able to block it off with hazard if you wanted

  17. An option for what you could do with the exit. If you killed the player immediately after they exit, then sort out the items they cannot take and just add a credit in the store which could be right off the entrance. The door to the store is where you previously thought the exit would be across from the bed and then only opens if an artifact was found. Then clear any remaining credit when the next round is started. The remaining items they keep can be returned to the chest where they pick up their deck which ensures the exit door doesn't open until all the keepable items are taken from the chest

  18. The game entrance, oh my! I can only imagine how cool this game is going to be when the Hermits will be playing it. Grain, Etho the other peeps… oh man. I'm so excited now.

  19. What about building another tower that goes up and the shop is in that tower. In Myst there's a few scenes that go "outside" from certain locations, and that was really neat, seeing the outside from the inside after hours exploring. It's an old gaming concept, kinda dead today, for shame, because it's a nice method to break the focus.

  20. When you kill the player after the game drop the items that you earned during the run out off the ceiling up in the respawn room. Therefore they could see what artifact they got.

  21. instead of killing the player at the end or dealing with their confusion on what to bring and what to leave, you could just have them leave ALL of their stuff and then sort it for them and return the stuff they get to keep after

  22. Love your videos and streams! Just an idea… if you don't want to kill players, you could let them dump their inventory into a chest and sort all the items. Similar to killing but you don't have that bad feeling after sucessfull run and no problem with remembering what items are good to take out.

  23. For the loser's coridor if they leave the dungeon without an artifact. You should definitely have a glass floor/cieling they walk on in the store so they can see everything they lost out on.


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