Henry Fonda and Randolph Scott Full Western, Action Movie | Western Movies | Gunfight | Cowboys

Henry Fonda and Randolph Scott Full Western, Action Movie | Western Movies | Gunfight | Cowboys

Jesse James and his brother Frank swear revenge on the St. Louis Midland Railroad after a company representative kills their mother. The boys begin robbing rail passengers and soon expand their activities to include banks. However, when some of the gang are killed after a tip-off, Jesse considers going straight.


30 thoughts on “Henry Fonda and Randolph Scott Full Western, Action Movie | Western Movies | Gunfight | Cowboys”

  1. Great movie… but the history is made up… Their mother wasn't killed in that explosion.. she lived till 1911… She lost her arm.. their half brother was killed in the explosion.. Here's the real History.. not the Hollywood version..
    Allan Pinkerton, the Pinkerton Agency's founder and leader, attempted to capture the James brothers. On the night of January 25, 1875, he staged a raid on the homestead. Detectives threw an incendiary device into the house; it exploded, killing James's young half-brother Archie (named for Archie Clement) and blowing off the right arm of Zerelda Samuel. Afterwards, Pinkerton denied that the raid's intent was arson, but biographer Ted Yeatman located a letter by Pinkerton in the Library of Congress in which Pinkerton declared his intention to "burn the house down

  2. The Younger brothers were first cousins to the Dalton boys and i think Jesse and Frank James were cousins some how. Seen a lot of movies of the James gang but this one is the best, seen it afew times now, thanks YouTube for down loading it.

  3. To view this film (originally made in color) & YOUNG MR. LINCOLN the same year (1939) & recently colorized is a illustration of the difference in the processes involved. IMO, neither film needed to be in color at all but the difference visually between the two are pretty apparent although the Lincoln films colorization is not as distracting as most.

  4. The fact that the railroad company did this to poor uneducated people was terrible. But all the murder and destruction the James boys did was more wrong. They became outlaws and murderous people. Not good people at all.


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