HELLRAISER | Everything There is to Know Before Seeing the New One

With the NEW Hellraiser movie dropping on Hulu today, the hellraiser series now stands at a total of 11 movies. But while Clive …


30 thoughts on “HELLRAISER | Everything There is to Know Before Seeing the New One”

  1. Saw the new movie. Not bad, but not great either. They did some interesting things but i was also kinda disappointed. Maybe it was the severe lack of convincing body horror.
    There's only one that kinda freaked me out and that was near the end. And i bet you'll know what I mean when you see it.
    But even the cenobites looked more like they were geared up for a bdsm session rather then the walking pieces of body horror they used to be.

  2. Only Hellraiser one through three and bloodlines are actual Canon the other movies with Doug Bradley are direct to video movies with previous scripts being Rewritten to add Pinhead we shouldn't even be talking about anything after that especially the newest

  3. This video is one of the main reasons I subscribe. He really goes into the lore and explains the time lines well of all these horror movies that seem to have endless remakes and sequels and prequels. Loved the new one actually. Not a huge hell raiser fan as I only saw the original last year,and I do like Kirsty as a final girl as well.

  4. I find a little bit sad how much they have developed the lore and made the cenobites into evil demons of hell. What first was a character study reflecting on the relationship betweem pain and pleasure through sex (represented through the cenobites that could be demons or angels) turned into senseless gore with otherworldy monsters that do not horrify, because they don't represent anything. They are evil, and that's it. No ambivalence, no mystery, no depth.

    Thanks for the video, tho! I could reflect on the development of the movies thanks to your exposition of all of them 🙂

  5. Thank you I saw the new one today and loved it fully enjoyed the new female pinhead and the Asian cenobite that reminds me a bit of the bone nose as I call her from hellbound which I decided to re watch the other day and deeply regretted it as I lost all appetite to eat afterwards 😂😂😂

  6. I miss how they focused on the aspects of addiction in earlier films since the theme of hellraiser is about how far you would go for the next high, and it kind of starts off that way but turns into a generic supernatural horror about powerful demons and very limited choices on ANYBODY'S part, even the main character who is an actual ADDICT, but even that isn't touched upon too much and when it is, it isn't pertaining at all to the box or the plot. Like her addiction was a side note and neither helped or hindered her or even attributed to the deciscions she makes. It didn't feel like hellraiser to me, but I did enjoy the designs of the cenobites a bit.


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