Something Weird Just Happened At CERN That No One Can Explain

The scientific community is about to be flipped upside down when experts at Europe’s CERN large hadron collider rush to double-check their work in an experiment that appears to have violated modern physics laws. Scientists working at the facility revealed that subatomic neutrino particles may have gone faster than the speed of light through the 17-mile (27-kilometer) long particle collider. The only problem is that nothing can travel faster than light. What is the latest shocking discovery, and what does it mean for the world of physics? Stay with us until the end to learn all about this bizarre discovery.
Albert Einstein, the father of modern physics, developed his “Special Theory of Relativity” on the fundamental law that nothing can move faster than the speed of light, 299,792,458 meters per second. If the experiment at CERN turns out to be accurate, then Einstein’s theories, which have laid the way for innumerable technological achievements in the last century, may only be scraping the surface of a far more complicated physical nature of our reality. In recent decades, quantum physics, or the science of reality at the subatomic level, has spread new and fascinating notions, such as the presence of worm holes, multiple dimensions, and the possibility of time travel. Indeed, the entire goal of CERN’s research is to collide particles at high speeds in order to eventually isolate and verify the existence of the Higgs boson particle, sometimes known as the “God particle.” This is thought to be the smallest particle known to exist. It has been hypothesized that this particle may carry clues as to the precise nature of the strong force, which is defined as an extraordinarily powerful attraction force that works on the subatomic level to keep together particles of the same polarity that might otherwise repel one another (think magnets repelling one another).

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20 thoughts on “Something Weird Just Happened At CERN That No One Can Explain”

  1. Theres a lot of layman finding science channels like these that pack their videos full of fluff for watch time.
    Netrinos are quarks with a neutral charge. They are typically fast but nothing exceeds the speed of causality not even light. This new discovery of neutrinos appearing faster than light is a new mystery.

  2. Neutrino's are not effected by space and time Gravity nor any other physics 'we know of
    They travel in a straight line in the Universe from one side to the other
    The Paradox is " where do they come from?
    Maybe they're the glue that holds the glue together.. or maybe it's what holds Universe's together outside the bubble of existence, I don't think so, but interesting.

  3. Of course we can travel faster than the speed of light, we just have to catch a "river" or ride at less than the speed of light on a "current" that is moving at a tremendous speed. Like riding a gravitational wave – like if you agree 👽🌃🌠

  4. That is bullshit that nothing can go faster than light just as the big bang theory of how our universe come about is also bullshit as also the speed of light limit of 186K miles per Sec is bullshit. Our laws of physics are only based on our observations from within our solar system. Light might travel faster outside of it and only be slowed to the 186K miles per second as it hits our solar system. Fooling us into thinking it is the same across the universe.

  5. I have two reactions. First, I think it’s about time scientists realize that with everything they do already understand, that there are millions of things they don’t know or understand. I believe that just because we have not SEEN SOMETHING or LEARNED SOMETHING, doesn’t mean that there aren’t MANY, MANY more things to discover. Second, I am very concerned about people “playing GOD.” They’re literally playing with things UNKNOWN, and hence, uncontrollable. Potentially, this can open the “doorways,” and/or “portals” to WORLDS THAT WERE NOT, and SHOULD NOT be messed with without a real working KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THEIR POWER. Great video. I hope anyone reading this is safe, healthy and happy. Remember… if you’re acclimated to a “sick world,” then you too are “sick!!” So if you’re feeling “off” in any way, you are most likely in better shape than you realize.❤ Namaste 🙏🏽


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