Hello friends

Please consider becoming supporting us by becoming a member today! Just hit the “join” button and choose your level of support.

Other ways to support us:

Your support is much needed and appreciated. Since we are a sanctuary and not a rescue, although we help with rescues when we can, we are not able to receive grants from many organizations that expect us to rehome parrots. These foundations require “turnover,” specific numbers of rehomed animals. This is fine for domesticaed animals but should not apply to wild animals such as parrots, raccoons, or squirrels.

For this reason we need your support.


Support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/chloesanctuary. Donate and/or join our team!

You can now text to donate to our Sanctuary.
Text 760-330-2427 with Give2022. Thank you for your support!

Flipcause Donations: https://www.flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/NDk1OTU=

Visit our website and click the tab “support us today.” https://www.chloesanctuary.org

Important links:

“It is impossible to begin to learn that which one thinks one already knows.”— Epictetus CE 55-155

These links are to awareness tests that will surprise you. We think we know exactly what we are seeing but do we? Cognitive scientists say no. This videos prove it!

Awareness test: https://youtu.be/ubNF9QNEQLA

Basketball test: No matter how closely you watch this video you will probably not get the right answer! https://youtu.be/Ahg6qcgoay4


2 thoughts on “Hello friends”

  1. Hi everyone. Hope everyone's doing okay. Poor Cecil, and Babalu. Just wanted to pop by and say hello. Listening while getting a few things done, have to say it's horrible how they bag wild birds. Hi Snowball and Pippa. It might be awhile before I get everyone's names right. Lucy, Romeo, bear with me guys. Cossi (?), Lorelei. I'm making no comparison between species, but, I have cried over one of my silly chickens. Grief is grief. It can't be quantified, categorized, it just is. And so is loss, it's never "just a (?)". I miss Peaches. It's going to be interesting getting to know new folks. Gotta scoot to get some sleep, have a good day y'all.


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