Helldivers 2 Automatons final message!

Credit due to ‎@KaponoLangit the creator of this content, check out his channel to find out he source of these transmission!


36 thoughts on “Helldivers 2 Automatons final message!”

  1. Dammit can’t you see brothers they are using us. the rich are using our brothers so they can continue to fund their rich lives and feed the poor to death for a cause that doesn’t involve us we are fighting a rich man’s war!

  2. No apologies from me, the massacred my squad, Burnt me like a marshmallow, and are a Tyrannical spreading armored PCs. Stay strong soldier we won the war against the killer PCs

  3. Greetings citizens of super earth! Firstly we here at the department of safety thank you for your service. I’d like to take the time to remind you all about the broadcasts from the ministry of truth and ensure you that these soulless machines are not alive.

    Please remember that we have countless documented cases of them killing civilians and kidnapping children for their sick experiments. Regardless of these recordings, assuming they aren’t fabricated propaganda, you need to understand that these machines are the enemy! They want nothing more than to kill you and bring our society crashing down.

    It is your constitutional duty to protect super earth and our way of life at all costs. Remember, you’re here to liberate the peoples that the Automatons have forced into their socialist ranks, by spreading Managed Democracy to every corner of this galaxy.

    Once again, thank you for your service, all of you, and if you have any further hesitations I’d like to remind you that any and all fraternization with the enemy is considered Treason! I advise you all to take time and speak with the representatives on board your ship.

  4. After all the battles I’ve participated in I’ve been on the creek before the major push and I was there when the creek fell into enemy hands I was also there when we routed them out of the creek and back to the rim I just felt empty when we finished them off all that fighting all the countless back and forth just to fight another enemy

  5. I was the only survivor of my fellow Helldivers during a liberation run to Malevelon Creek. They had the walkers, devastators and such. I was out of reinforcements and I escaped with my arm gone. I wont stop until all their oil is spilled
    (but irl JESUS CHRIST automaton lore is sad lol)


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