Greg Lockes SON Gives UNHINGED Sermon About The LGBT Community | Lockes Son | Part 1

Greg Locke’s son Hunter Taylor has taken up the mantle form dad apparently. He just had a jaw surgery and probably shouldn’t be speaking this much during the healing process but he says the lord demanded to use him. What was so important? The gays of course. He has a lot to say on the LGBTQ community.

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40 thoughts on “Greg Lockes SON Gives UNHINGED Sermon About The LGBT Community | Lockes Son | Part 1”

  1. Owen – Technically, from a cultural persperctive of the writings, there are NO messages of homosexuality. Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13 was the condemnation of the Canaanite religious ceremonies that would use male temple prostitutes in their services. Romans 1:26-30 was also nothing to do with homosexuality but of Paul's observation of an ancient fertility ritual to the goddess Diana for improved crops and increased calvings & lambings. This ceremony would end in a massive orgy. 1Cor6:9-10 in KJV mentions nothing about 'the homosexual'. That is in newer versions of the Bible.

    Yes, pork was condemned in Judaism and Islam because of the disease one could catch so quickly – something about not having refrigeration! :p

  2. Sounds like he has a new DENTURE lol that's why he is talking like that.
    Definitely, the more I listen to him the more sure I am…. definitely sounds like he has dentures-at least a bridge…nooooo just got to the I 'just had jaw surgery'
    Why all the jaw surgery? Maybe I should stop looking at my phone and listen 👂

  3. "That verse is always taken out of context…so I'm gonna take it even further out of context to outcrazy my dad. " "I'm not going to get into politics…so here's a bunch of political whining" What I'm getting out of this is Greg Locke raised a liar desperate to please his hateful father. He keeps talking about the context WHILE TAKING IT COMPLETELY out of context to make it just more of the same. This is just manipulative crap. I wouldn't put it past Greg to be the reason his kid needed his jaw rebroken. He's a lunatic, he's a massive liar, it doesn't matter if we're all against Copeland, we're nowhere near on the same side. The only thing separating Locke and Copeland is spelling.

  4. Idk how well those bones are set by now but it seems like it might not heal right. I mean he might undo the good the surgery did, I don't like Greg or his kid but I wouldn't wish multiple jaw surgeries on anyone.

  5. Idg why people don't go to court, at the very least, when they say they have evidence of violent crimes but they're holding onto it. Of anybody has evidence of hurting children and sexual violence, or hell just violence, please give it to the authorities.

  6. Putting his son on stage wasn't a good will gesture, it was a selfish opportunity for Greg Locke. It was a opportunity to "try" to show the lord at work aka Greg Locke by putting someone with a barely healed jaw up on stage and say only through the strength of Jesus christ can this young man stand here with a broken jaw and preach the word of god. It is absolutely insidious and I don't understand how this kind of hunder handed religious manipulation, so often flies over Owen's head.

  7. Grege Locke isn't claiming to have "illegal" photos of Kenneth Copland, he is referring to blurry screen shots that he claims shows "snake eyes" or some stupid shit and this is supposed to be proof of a demon. Why would the police want evidence that someone is a demon?

  8. Funny (NOT!) and GODDAMN IRONIC he should be talking about removing the log from your eye so that you may see to remove the speck from mine. Fucking hypocrites, every single one of them.

  9. why let atheist doctors work on the son's jaw. shoulda left it to jesus to fix. how dare they use western medicine, when they know it's from the devil, aka, science, facts, reason, logic, reality

  10. oh, shit, owen, you got me thinking. i present as as normal, uninteresting cishet male, but i am a flaming bisexual guy.. all the maga in my community LOVE me, although i've never told them about my far left political understanding. if i didn't hate the human race so much, right now, i'd be out there preaching the secular gospel against these ninnies, who all seem to love me as a person. maybe that would change if they knew who i really was…

  11. To answer your question at 13:37 I think he combined the words gate and way into gay, 'wide are the gates of hell but straight and narrow is the way to god' or whatever, but who knows really.

  12. Nah. He was trying to wrap his mouth around gate/way, as in strait gate/strait way. Also, "unction" is still used in medical circles, usually as "unguent" in writing prescriptions, abbreviated "UG" for the Latin. It means salve.

  13. Gay dudes can fight. Anyone who grew up in the hood knows this. They spend their life defending themselves from bullies. Bully at your own risk, junior. Get beat up by the gay dude, and I bet you never bully again.

  14. Actually it's Biblical for a son to continue in the priesthood of his father. Also known as the LEVITICAL Priesthood. Those that know very little or nothing at all about the Bible are clueless about the subject matter.

    As per the minority LGBTQ+ community vs. the majority rest of the world ideology, nobody should be forced to live either lifestyle, nor should they be disrespected by either community, or have their lifestyle advertised and shoved down the throats of either community.

    If you have to wear any type of clothing or jewelry to advertise your lifestyle, reveals how insecure you really are, as well as is a deliberate psychological attack and an act of aggression towards the opposing community.

    So the question is, which community flaunts, parades and advertises their lifestyle all the time, which is a never ending psychological and sometimes physical assault upon the opposing community.

    And which community is more respectful, peaceful and don't advertise their lifestyle all the time.

    GOOD VS EVIL is determined by the actions of each community.

  15. the Right says we're brainwashing kids, then this guy comes out and parrots back exactly what his father says. it's honestly nauseating and concerning hearing the same words come out of Greg Locke's son.


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