Hear what former Trump lawyer thinks about the Jan. 6 target letter

Former President Donald Trump said in a social media post that he has been informed by special counsel Jack Smith that he is a target of the criminal investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Former Trump White House lawyer Ty Cobb weighs in. #CNN #News


37 thoughts on “Hear what former Trump lawyer thinks about the Jan. 6 target letter”

  1. Lmao, it's the democrat Party campaign of discredit by the democrat propaganda machine in high gear.
    Don't forget the 7 calls Trump made to Nancy Pelosi, the security agency ran by Nancy Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi refused help from Trump of 20 thousand national guards, who would have prevented the riot from even happening.
    Nancy Pelosi has to be subpoenaed to answer questions on why she refused help from Trump UNDER OATH.

  2. To all CNN viewers. ..you were LIED to about Russian collusion. You were LIED to about hunter's laptop. You were LIED to about bidens dementia. You were LIED to about Joe Bidens involvement with his son hunter's business dealings. WAKE UP!

  3. I love what he said that the punishment of Trump should deter what was done doesn't happen again. That means severe, I hope. This is the line in the desert that Trump has crossed oh so many times and the Rule of Law must prevail if our Country is to.

  4. Judge Cannon has already shown her true colors the DOJ should not be playing the game on her terms . I will bet any amount of money a late march with a contingency clause trail date is sitting on her desk this morning , That brings in the population chirping election interfearance . .

  5. Let’s remember that Giuliani just did a proffer session with the investigators. Eastman may have done the same. It’s easy to see why they didn’t get target letters.

  6. Liberal lunatics are great for conservative business every time you morons boycott a movie it makes millions, you dip shits complain about a song it goes to number one. Conservatives boycott and the libs lose billions. If liberals boycott any companies that means we should buy stocks if conservatives boycott you should sell, sell. Just ask Bud light, Disney, target, ben and Jerry's.

  7. When pulling weeds, it’s always good getting to the root.
    In this situation, to the cause of what’s boiling the pot.
    Now into God’s Word where all is exposed, for those willing to learn, was Jesus, God’s Son who freely gave of himself coming to teach only true hope for mankind rest in that Heavenly Kingdom arrangement.
    The one prayed to come and do same here as done in heaven;
    To learn what praying for, turn to;
    Now what signs to watch for, marking the nearness of that prayer , Jesus said in Mt.24:3-5,6-14-24false teachers would be coming, saying are the Christ and would be miss leading many.
    Reason on this;
    Members of the Christian Coalition; known as “The Family”
    Affirming Trumps claim being the Chosen One, saying was sent by God to save this nation.

    Question; “ Why would God replace His Son for a known deceiver and liar!
    And where in Scripture will we find the account of it ever happening?
    Jesus preached, taught what those desiring to live forever, here upon this earth restored as intended as a paradise home for mankind, this is what’s revelled within the pages of God’s inspired Word; 1 Ti. 2:4
    Rev.21:2,3 no more sickness, pain suffering or death, also; Ps37:8-29/Isaiah 65:21-25
    6 of 7 world Kingdoms have fallen, this one we’re now in being
    # 7, the last
    Da.12:1-13, Now into Da.2:28-44
    We’re now in days of fulfilment

    The Root cause of what now is occurring due to the final days of days of Satan’s rule seen coming to it’s end.
    This more would learn if false faith leaders were not serving two masters in

  8. He has been committing crimes for SIXTY YEARS and now people are concerned about how it will affect him by going to jail and being held accountable. HE INCITED AN INSURRECTION TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT. HE STOLE AND SOLD CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS. HE IS A DANGER TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY – I really don't care if he last 5 minutes, or 5 years in lockdown – wherever that will be!!!!!

  9. "Trump haters"?? And just how should a person who is a citizen of this country and is concerned for the country's welfare feel about Donald Trump, Mr. Cobb? Ambivalent? Unconcerned? Loving?

    Myself? I'm a Trump hater. I hate Donald John Trump and everything that he and his sick Republican Party stand for. They are an existential threat to myself and to the welfare of my family. I detest them and I am hoping that the full extent of the Law comes to bear on them. I sure do hope that is okay with you, Mr. Cobb. If not? Oh, well.  

    Unlike you, I would not have been able to "serve" under a man like Donald Trump. I have a few principles, anyway.

  10. Well, I feel that not only Trump should face the penalties for his conduct and his crimes against this country, but so should all those who assisted and guided him along the way to this Constitutional destruction. They are his accomplices in not only defending him, but also in spreading his lies and misinformation. They're his assistants. It's like a bank robber and the get away car driver. That get away car driver is just as guilty as the bank robber is. Alone, he couldn't have caused this much damage and those assistants include some members of Congress, the Senate, a US Supreme Court's wife, Jenni Thomas, his lawyers and several others. Trump is like being the Mafia boss and his gang. They're all just as guilty.


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