He Was Born as a Weak Goblin But Soon Evolved into Powerful Monster With Epic Powers

He Was Born as a Weak Goblin But Soon Evolved into Powerful Monster With Epic Powers

00:00 Part 1
00:11:14 Part 2
00:22:08 Part 3
00:31:48 Part 4
00:42:12 Part 5
00:53:02 Part 6
01:04:36 Part 7
01:14:31 Part 8
01:16:12 Part 9
01:35:31 Part 10
01:45:37 Part 11


39 thoughts on “He Was Born as a Weak Goblin But Soon Evolved into Powerful Monster With Epic Powers”

  1. That last scene at the end there I don't really blame him for punching his friend into the stratosphere considering the fact he put his wives and kids in the literal line of fire but I'm sure by the time his friend lands back down to earth he'll probably be cooled off by then.πŸ˜‚

  2. Excellent re-cap, thanks.

    The way they all keep powering up, it's kinda strange that Goblins are only thought of as weak mobs in this world. A great deal is due to Gobrou's "consume" ability, but even so, if he & his Goblin comrades didn't have the capacity to evolve, they wouldn't have been able to grow beyond their original bald, green forms.

    You'd slso think that even if Goblins only rarely evolved in the wild, some Human King, Wizard or Demon Lord would have created an army of artificially powered-up evolved Goblins by now. (Of course, maybe they have, but it hasn't come up in the story yet.)

  3. ngl one of the most boring anime ive seen dropped off on ep 6 or some shit, its just a copy of the slime isekai, the end of the story might be cool BUT DAMN, his life as a goblin is basically harem and be overpower


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